The following webpages are compiled entirely or partially by Louis Ha (夏其龍).
* at the Department of Philosophy, CUHK
- PHI 3170 - 西歐中世紀思想家 Medieval Western Philosophers (1999)
- PHI 3170 - 西歐中世紀思想家 Medieval Western Philosophers (2003)
- PHIL 3170 - 西歐中世紀思想家 Medieval Western Philosophers (2011)
- PHIL 3170 - 西歐中世紀思想家 Medieval Western Philosophers (2014)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2001 - Summer)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2002 - Summer)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2003 - Summer)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2004 - Summer)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2005 - Summer)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2006 - Summer)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2007 - Summer)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2007-2008 - 2nd term)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2008-2009 - 2nd term)
- PHI 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2009-2010 - 1st term)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2010-2011 - 2nd term)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2012 - Summer)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2014 - Summer)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2015 - Summer)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2016 - Summer)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2017 - Summer)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2018 - Summer)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2019 - Summer)
- PHIL 2400 - 拉丁語入門 Introductory Latin (2020 - Summer)
- 課本《拉丁入門》網頁
* at the Department of History, CUHK
- HIS 5532 - 中世紀西歐的盈與虧 Lights and shadows of medieval western Europe (2005 - 1st term)
- HIS 5532A - 中世紀西歐的盈與虧 Lights and shadows of medieval western Europe (2006-07 - 1st term)
- HIS 5532A - 中世紀西歐的盈與虧 Lights and shadows of medieval western Europe (2007-08 - 2nd term)
- HIS 5532A - 中世紀西歐的盈與虧 Lights and shadows of medieval western Europe (2008-09 - 2nd term)
- HIS 5532A - 中世紀西歐的盈與虧 Lights and shadows of medieval western Europe (2009-10 - 2nd term)
- HIST 5532A - 中世紀西歐的盈與虧 Lights and shadows of medieval western Europe (2010-11 - 2nd term)
- HIST 5532A - 中世紀西歐的盈與虧 Lights and shadows of medieval western Europe (2011-12 - 2nd term)
- HIST 5503A - 古羅馬的光芒與餘暉 The Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire (2012-13 - 1st term)
- HIST 5503B - 古希臘的蛻變 Ancient Greece in Transformation (2013-14 - 1st term)
- HIST 5503A - 古羅馬的光芒與餘暉 History of the Roman Empire (2014-15 - 2nd term)
- HIST 5503B - 古希臘的蛻變 Ancient Greece in Transformation (2015-16 - 2nd term)
- HIST 4304A - Pre-Modern World History: Ancient Rome (2017-18 - 2nd term)
* at the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK
- RST5274 - Gothic Cathedral and its culture (2007)
- RST5274 - Gothic Cathedral and its culture (2009)
- RELS5274 - Gothic Cathedral and its culture (2011)
- RST5279 - History of Catholicism in Hong Kong (2007)
- CRS 3332 - 中世紀拉丁語 Medieval Latin (2008-2009 - Summer)
- RST5277 - Christian Visual Faith (2009)
- CRS2147 - Pilgrimage and Culture (2009)
- RST5279 - History of Catholicism in Hong Kong (2010)
- RST5279 - History of Catholicism in Hong Kong (2012)
- RELS5333 - 宗教文化田野考察 (2013-14)
- CURE2154 - 中世紀拉丁語 Medieval Latin (2014-15)
- RELS 5273 - 天主教社會倫理 Catholic Social Ethics (2017-18)
- CURE2154 - 中世紀拉丁語 Medieval Latin (2019-20)
- RELS5333 - 宗教文化田野考察 (2019-20)
- RELS5332 - 靈修與朝聖 Spirituality and Pilgrimage (2019-20)
* at the Divinity School, CUHK
- THEO5952 - 教會用拉丁語 Reading Ecclesiastical Latin (Jan. 2013)
* at the Centre for Catholic Studies, CUHK
- CCS-LSIC-09 拉丁語密集課程 Latin Summer Intensive Course 2009
- LSIC-13 拉丁語密集課程 Latin Summer Intensive Course 2013
- 國民教育 — 天主教會的角度 2014
* at the Faculty of Education, CUHK
- 幸會拉丁語 PGT (December 2009)
- 幸會拉丁語 PGT (December 2010)
- 幸會拉丁語 PGT (December 2011)
- 幸會拉丁語 PGT (July 2012)
- 幸會拉丁語 PGT (July 2013)
- 幸會拉丁語 PGT (July 2015)
- 幸會拉丁語 PGT (August 2016)
- 幸會拉丁語 2019SP-P23 (July 2019)
* at the Holy Spirit Seminary College
- PHIL 035 - The forming of a mentality in the Western Middle Ages (2004)
- PHIL 035 - Reflections on Medieval Western society and the Church (2005)
- PHIL 035 - Reflections on Medieval Western society and the Church (2007)
- PHIL 035 - Reflections on Medieval Western society and the Church (2009)
- TH302 - 拉丁語入門 Latin I (2007-2008)
- TH302 - 拉丁語入門 Latin I (2008-2009)
- PH039 - 拉丁語入門 Latin I (2009-2010)
* at Caritas Institue of Higher Education
- 探索古希臘文明
* at JPBooks.Plus X Open Quote
- 開方講堂:「了解天主教」
- Latin Vocabulary
- Latin Parser
- Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone: Chapter Two (in Latin and English)
- Saint Augustine's Confessions (in Latin and English)
** Medieval Europe & Gothic Cathedrals
- Medieval bibliography (biblio.doc)
- Dante: La Divina Comedia - il Paradiso
- Henry VIII of England (1491-1547)
- Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture
- Three World Heritage Sites
- Gothic Cathedral, Chartres
- Gothic Cathedral, Ely
- Seven pilgrimage Basilicas in Rome
** Tours of Europe
- Medieval Study Tour of France and Spain (July 2006).
- Study Tour - day by day (2006)
- Study Kit: web links (2006)
- April 1 meeting (2006)
- Medieval Tour Photos: Nicky Ng (2006)
- Medieval Study Tour of Germany, Belgium, France and England (July 2007)
- Maps for the tour (July 2007)
- Medieval Study Tour of Portugal (June 2008)
- Portugal - itinerary (7 - 19 June, 2008)
- Medieval Study Tour of Nordic Countries (tentative)
- A Constitution for European and the Christian Heritage
- The Romans and Portugal
- Medieval Hungary (May 2010)
- Medieval Baltic region (July 2011)
- Rome - 2011
- Divus Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD)
- Chartres, France (August 2012)
- Rome - December 2012 - January 2013
- Chartres, France (April 2013)
- Greece, Turkey (13-24 December, 2013)
- Chartres, France (June-July 2014)
- Chartres, France (June-July 2015)
- Greece (December 12-24, 2015)
- Poland - Chartres: pilgrimage and retreat (April 28 - May 12, 2017)
- Tour of ancient Roman archeological sites (April 25 - May 05, 2018)
- Tour of Spain before the Age of Discovery (Dec 12 - 24, 2018)
** Tours of Asia
- HK Study Tour of a Cathedral, Mosque and Synagogue (2005)
- Study Tour of Malacca (23- 27 May, 2007)
- Sandakan, Saba,Malaysia (October, 2008)
- Nagasaki Study Tour (1-5 May, 2009)
- The History of religion in Macao
- The Catholic Church in Macao, China, Hong Kong
- Fanling: Hakka and Western participation
- Beijing - Legation Street
- Study Tour of Quanzhou, 3-6 June, 2011
- Study Tour of Goa (tentative)
- Field Study on the Religious Culture of Melaka, March 14-17, 2014
** Tours of Africa
- Tour of Mauritius (August 2013)
- Tour of Mauritius (August 2014)
- Tour of Mauritius (August 2015)
- Tour of Mauritius (August 2016)
- Tour of Mauritius (August 2017)
- Tour of Mauritius (August 2018)
- Study Tour of Carthaginian History and Culture (10-22 Dec, 2019)
- Nile River Valley Civilization (2020)
** Cemetery study
- Culture and Art in cemetery
- Culture and Art in cemetery - seminar photos
- Lectures on cemetery studies (2007/03/13 - 2007/04/24)
- Cemetery Studies
- Cemetery Lecture
- Cemeteries in Portugal
- War and Catholicism
- Sacred Space
- Woh Hop Shek
** Hong Kong
- Roman Catholic Church
- Chinese Catholic Church
- Catholic Mission in Taipo
- Global Christian History & Perspective
- Catholic Liturgy Renewal
- Catholic Liturgy
- Index to CO 129
- Ex libris Joseph Yau (1952*-1998+)
- HK Hakka 客家 Study
- Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archives
- The evolution of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese (photos)
- The Timeline of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese
- Some websites on archives
- Lighthouse 燈塔
- 由城門水塘到金錢圍, 2013/10/12
- 鹽田梓文化旅遊考察 2014/04/28,30
- 十九世紀灣仔區天主教慈善服務機構歷史重組 2014/04 - 2015/09
- 終身執事職研究 2014/12 - 2016/12
- 「天主教社會倫理」專題師資培訓計劃 2015/10 - 2017/12
- 元朗傳教歷史研究 2015/02 - 2015/12
- 中文大學文化宗教遊 2015/04/11
- Writings
- Talks
- Music
- Testing
- Useful tools on websites

Thanks for your visit.