Venue: ELB 203 (利黃瑤璧樓 203)
Time: Wednesdays 9:45-11:15(lecture), 11:30-12:15(tutorial)
Medium of teaching: Cantonee
Teacher: Louis Ha.
Middle Ages in the West lasted for more than a millennium after the downfall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th Century.
During this period people lived under certain unity and uniformity commanded by the strong influence of Christianity and the common acceptance of the importance of faith in one's daily life.
This course aims at presenting the thoughts of those centuries developed in serenity and piety together with the breakthroughs made by individual philosophers such as Boethius, Anselm of Canterbury, Peter Abelard, Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus. Modern people, though live in a technologically advanced era, are quite often facing almost the same challenges of their Medieval fellow human-beings. The course intends to provide students with instances for a more general comprehension of human reality through the study on the problems of faith and understanding.
Class dynamics -
Boethius (波其武 480-524)
John Scottus Eriugena (斯哥德 810-877)
Anselm of Canterbury (安瑟倫 1033-1109)
Peter Abelard (阿伯拉德 1079-1142)
Bonaventura di Giovanni Fidanza (波拿文都辣 1221-1274)
Albertus Magnus (大阿伯都 1193-1280)
Thomas Aquinas (多瑪斯 1225-1274)
Siger of Brabant (西熱 c. 1240 - 1280s)
Meister Eckhart (厄克哈 1260-1327)
John Duns Scotus (東斯哥德 1266-1308)
William of Ockham (歐坎 1298-1350)
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