[Fish]RELS 5279 - History of Catholicism in Hong Kong (2012)
Venue: Y.C. Liang Hall (潤昌堂) G03
Jan 12 - Apr 19, 2012 (Thursdays)
Time: 19:00-21:30
lecturer: Louis Ha (keloon@cuhk.edu.hk)

The course aims at studying the relationship between religion and society in their multifaceted interactions through the study of the history of Catholicism in Hong Kong from 1841 until now.
After attending the course, students are expected:
1) to know the history of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong,
2) to realize the influence of socio-political factors in religious practices, and
3) to understand the function of religion in society.

Class photo 2012 (poetic version)
Class photo 2012 (digital version)

Session 1 (Jan 12, 2012): General introduction

(Part A) Foundation (1841-1894) : Joset (1841-42), Feliciani (1842-47, 50-55), Forcade (1847-50), Ambrosi (1855-67), Raimondi (1868-94)

Session 2 (Jan 19, 2012): Missionary groups

Session 3 (Feb 02, 2012): Founding the Hong Kong Mission

Session 4 (Feb 09, 2012): Conflicts and Rivalries

Session 5 (Feb 11, 2012 Saturday,): Field trip A : Wellington Street and Caine Road

(Part B) Consolidation (1894-1926): Piazzoli (1894-1904), Pozzoni (1905-1924), Spada (1924-26), and Turbulence (1926-1969) : Valtorta (1926-51), Bianchi (1951-69)

Session 6 (Feb 16, 2012) : Mission in mainland

Session 7 (Feb 23, 2012): Dedicated women - religious sisters and virgins

Session 8 (Mar 01, 2012): Time of disturbance - wars and refugees

Session 9 (Mar 03, 2012, Saturday): Field trip B : A retreat house, a village for children and a home for the aged

(Part C) Localization (1969-now) : Hsu (1969-73), Lei (1973-74), Lam (1974-75), Wu (1975-2002), Zen (2002-2009), Tong (2009- )

Session 10 (Mar 08, 2012): Liturgy Reform in Hong Kong - Christian Liturgy (Rev. Gianni Giampietro 恩保德神父)

Session 11 (Mar 15, 2012): Towards a bright decade, Diocesan synod - (Rev. Dominic Chan, VG 陳志明副主教)

Session 12 (Mar 22, 2012): The maturing of a society and a Church - Church renewal after Vatican II(Dr. Peter Cheung - 張家興博士)

Session 13 (Mar 29, 2012): A Bridge for China - (Rev. Patrick Taveirne 譚永亮神父)

20% on Trip A Report - about 1,500 words (submission before MARCH 01)
20% on Trip B Report - about 1,500 words (submission before MARCH 22)
60% on Research paper - about 5,000 words (submission before APRIL 19)


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Reference materials


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updated on 2012/01/13