
1. Formation of adverbs:

1.1 Primitive:

Cur? why?
Etiam also
Ita so
Sic thus
Tam so much
Nimis too much
Haud not at all
Fere almost
Vix hardly
Cras tomorrow
Diu a long time
Jam already
Mox soon

1.2 Composite:

antea (ante-ea) formerly
postea (post-ea) afterwards
interea (inter-ea) meanwhile
hodie (hoc-die) today
quotannis (quot-annis) every year
denuo (de-novo) again
scilicet (scire-licet) of course
videlicet (videre-licet) evidently
propterea (propter-ea) therefore
quare? (qua-re) how/why?
imprimis (in primis) especially
invicem (in-vicem) mutually

1.3 From pronouns:

Ubi? (Where?)

Ibi (there)

Alicubi (somewhere)


Ibidem (in the same place)


Unde? (where from?)

Inde (from there)

Alicunde (from somewhere)


Indidem (from the same place)



Hinc (from here)



Istinc (from there)



Illinc (from there)


Quo? (Where to?)

Eo (there)

Aliquo (to somewhere)


Eodem (to the same place)



Huc (to this)



Istuc (to that)



Illuc (to there)




Uspiam (at somewhere)



Usquam (at anywhere)

Quando? (when?)


Aliquando (sometime)


Tunc (at that time)



Tum (then)


Quam? (How?)

Tam (so much)

Unquam (ever)



Numquam (never)

Quomodo? (how?)

Item (likewise)

Aliquomodo (somehow)

Quotiens? (how many times?)

Toties (so often)

Aliquoties (several times)

Quot? (how many?)

Tot (so many)

Aliquot (some)

Quantum? (How much?)

Tantum (as)

Aliquantum (Somewhat)

1.4 Derive from positive adjectives:

1.4.1 For first and second declension adjectives: add -e to the stem

longus longa longum: longe

liber libera liberum: libere

pulcher pulchra pulchrum: pulchre

* Exception:

- in acc. n. sg. : ceterum, multum, nimium, paulum, primum, postremum, parum, plurimum

- in abl. sg. : cito, continuo, crebro, perpetuo, falso, raro, secreto, merito, immerito, necessario, primo, postremo, sero, subito, tuto

- certo, certe; vero, vere; bene, male; fraudulenter, violenter

- ending in -itus: antiquitus, caelitus, radicitus, divinitus

- ending in -tim: paulatim, sensim, statim, privatim, nominatim, passim

1.4.2 For third declension adjectives: add -iter to the stem (only -er if the stem ends in -nt)

fortis fortis forte: fortiter

celer celeris celere: celeriter

acer acris acre: acriter

felix felix felix, felicis: feliciter

sapiens sapiens sapiens, sapientis: sapienter

* Exception:

facilis facilis facile: facile

difficilis difficilis difficile: difficulter

tristis tristis triste: triste

audax: audacter

1.5 Derive from comparative adjectives:

The neuter of comparative adjectives ( in -ius)

1.6 Derive from superlative adverbs:

Add -issime or -rime to the stem

e.g. altus -a -um -> altissimus -> altissime

e.g. acer -cris -cre -> acerrimus -> acerrime


plurimum [most]

primo [first]

primum [in the first place]

2. Declension of adverbs:

No declension

3. Usage of adverbs:

3.1 Positive adverbs:

Hic poeta cucurrit celeriter.

3.2 Comparative and superlative adverbs:

With quam:

Hic puer celerius cucurrit quam ille.

Illa puella quam celerrime cucurrit.

* Special meaning:

quam primum [as soon as possible]