* mensa, -ae f. (table)
* feminine and masculine
* nauta, -ae m. (sailor)
* special inflection
* * *
* Feminine nouns (mensa, -ae) [return to top]
absentia -ae f. absence; absence form Rome/duty; non-appearance in court; lack
ala -ae f. wing
allegoria -ae f. allegory
amentia -ae f. madness
amicitia -ae f. friendship
ampulla -ae f. flask/bottle/jar/vessel
ancora -ae f. anchor
ancilla -ae f. maid-servant, female slave
angustia -ae f. strait
+anima -ae f. soul
ansa -ae f. handle/loop/hook
aqua -ae f. water
aquila -ae f. eagle
ara -ae f. altar
arena -ae f. sand
astrologia -ae f. astrology
audacia -ae f. boldness
avaritia -ae f. greed
benevolenia -ae f. benevolence, kindness, goodwill; favor; endearments
bestia -ae f. beast/wild animal
bibliotheca -ae f. library
capsa -ae f. box/repository
capsula -ae f. box
casa -ae f. house
catena -ae f. chain
caterva -ae f. troop
causa -ae f. cause/reason/motive/opportunity
cena -ae f. dinner
cicada -ae f. tree-cricket; Athenian hair ornament in shape of cicada; summer season
clementia -ae f. mercy
columba -ae f. dove
columna -ae f. column/pillar/post
coma -ae f. hair
concordia -ae f. harmony
conscientia -ae f. conscience
consonantia -ae f. consonant
constantia -ae f. steadfastness
continenta -ae f. restraint/temperance/moderation
controversia -ae f. dispute
contumelia -ae f. insult
copia -ae f. abundance
corona -ae f. garland
cosmographia -ae f. cosmography/map-making
creatura -ae f. creature
crumena -ae f. money bag/purse
cucurbita -ae f. flask
culina -ae f. kitchen
culpa -ae f. fault
cultura -ae f. cultivation
cura -ae f. care
custodia -ae f. guard
+dea -ae f. goddess
dementia -ae f. madness
dextra -ae f. right hand
differentia -ae f. difference/diversity
diligentia -ae f. carefulness
disciplina -ae f. training
discordia -ae f. strife
diva -ae f. goddess
divitiae -arum f. riches
doctrina -ae f. teaching
ecclesia -ae f. gathering/church
epistula -ae f. letter
essentia -ae f. essence
excellentia -ae f. excellence
fabula -ae f. story
fama -ae f. fame/reputation
familia -ae f. household
+famula -ae f. maid
favilla -ae f. cinders/hot ashes/glowing embers
fēmina -ae f. woman
fera -ae f. wild animal
feria -ae f. holidays
ferocia -ae f. courage
fiducia -ae f. trust
figura -ae f. figure
+filia -ae f. daughter
fistula -ae f. pipe/tube
flamma -ae f. flame
forma -ae f. form
formica -ae f. ant
fortuna -ae f. fortune
fossa -ae f. ditch
frequentia -ae f. crowd
fuga -ae f. flight
geographia -ae f. geography
geometria -ae f. geometry
gloria -ae f. fame
gratia -ae f. good-will
gutta -ae f. drop/spot
guttula -ae f. small drop/speck
harena -ae f. sand
harmonia -ae f. harmony/concord/consonance/agreement
hasta -ae f. spear
herba -ae f. herb
historia -ae f. history
hora -ae f. hour
iactura -ae f. expense
ianua -ae f. door
ignominia -ae f. dishonour
ignorantia -ae f. ignorance
impensa -ae f. expenditure/cost/expense/charge
imperitia -ae f. inexperience
imprudentia -ae f. lack of foresight
indulgentia -ae f. indulgence
indutia -ae f. truce
inertia -ae f. sluggishness
inimicitia -ae f. enmity
iniuria -ae f. outrage
inopia -ae f. lack
insania -ae f. frenzy
insidiae -arum f. plot
insula -ae f. island
intelligentia -ae f. discernment/understanding/intelligence
invidia -ae f. envy
ira -ae f. anger
iustitia -ae f. justice
lacrima -ae f. tear
laetitia -ae f. joy
libra -ae f. balance/scales
licentia -ae f. licence
lingua -ae f. tongue
littera -ae f. letter
luna -ae f. moon
lupa -ae f. wolf
luxuria -ae f. profusion
machina -ae f. engine
macula -ae f. spot/mark/stain/blemish/hole/fault/disgrace
magia -ae f. magic
margarita -ae f. pearl
massa -ae f. lump/mass
materia -ae f. matter
medicina -ae f. medicine/cure/remedy
melodia -ae f. melody/tune
memoria -ae f. memory
mensa -ae f. table
mensura -ae f. measure
meta -ae f. limit
metaphysica -ae f. metaphysic
militia -ae f. warfare
minae -arum f. threat
ministra -ae f. assistant/maid-servant/accessory
miseria -ae f. misery/trouble/distress
misericordia -ae f. pity/compassion/sympathy/mercy
molestia -ae f. trouble
mollitia -ae f. softness
mora -ae f. delay
musca -ae f. fly
musica -ae f. music
nātūra -ae f. nature
nebula -ae f. mist/vapour
neglegentia -ae f. carelessness
nota -ae f. sign
nupta -ae f. bride
nuptia -ae f. wedding
offa -ae f. bit/morsel
opera -ae f. labour
ora -ae f. prayer/ also edge
palma -ae f. palm
panacea -ae f. all-heal/panacea/universal medicine
parabola -ae f. parable/story
patientia -ae f. patience
patria -ae f. native country
pecunia -ae f. money
perfidia -ae f. treachery
peritia -ae f. skill
petra -ae f. rock
philosophia -ae f. philosophy
phiola -ae f. phial/flask
physica -ae f. natural philosophy/science/medicine
pictura -ae f. picture/painting
plaga -ae f. blow/stroke/wound/misfortune/disaster
planeta -ae f. planet
poena -ae f. penalty
porta -ae f. gate
potentia -ae f. power
praeda -ae f. prey
praesentia -ae f. presence
praestantia -ae f. pre-eminence/superiority/excellence
procella -ae f. storm
prora -ae f. prow
provincia -ae f. province
prudentia -ae f. discretion
puella -ae f. girl
pueritia -ae f. childhood
pugna -ae f. fight
regina -ae f. queen
regula -ae f. rule/standard
ripa -ae f. river bank
rosa -ae f. dew
rota -ae f. wheel
ruina -ae f. catastrophe
saevitia -ae f. cruelty
sagitta -ae f. arrow
salamandra -ae f. salamander
sapientia -ae f. wisdom
scala -ae f. ladder/staircase
scientia -ae f. science/knowledge/skill
sententia -ae f. opinion/judgment/purpose
sica -ae f. dagger
silva -ae f. forest
sinistra -ae f. left hand
spelunca -ae f. cave
sperma -ae f. seed/sperm
sphaera -ae f. ball/globe/sphere
spina -ae f. thorn/prickle/spine/difficulties/intricacies
statua -ae f. statue
statura -ae f. stature
stella -ae f. star
stultitia -ae f. folly
substantia -ae f. resources/wealth
summa -ae f. sum total
superbia -ae f. pride
taberna -ae f. hut,stall,hostel
tabula -ae f. board
temperantia -ae f. moderation/temperance/self-control
tenebra -ae f. darkness
terra -ae f. earth
testa -ae f. test
theologia -ae f. theology
tinctura -ae f. tincture
tristitia -ae f. gloom
tuba -ae f. trumpet
turba -ae f. riot
umbra -ae f. shadow
uncia -ae f. a twelfth part/ounce
unda -ae f. wave
uva -ae f. grape/berry
vacca -ae f. cow
venia -ae f. pardon
vesica -ae f. bladder/vessel
vespera -ae f. evening
via -ae f. way
victoria -ae f. victory
vigilia -ae f. wakefulness
villa -ae f. country house
violentia -ae f. violence
vita -ae f. life
* feminine and masculine [return to top]
accola -ae m./f. resident
advena -ae m./f. stranger
homicida -ae m./f. murderer
incola -ae m./f. a native inhabitant
* Masculine nouns (nauta, -ae) [return to top]
adsecula -ae m. follower/attendant
agricola -ae m. farmer
auriga -ae m. driver
conlega -ae m. colleague
homicida -ae m. murderer
etesiae -arum m. trade-winds
incola -ae m. inhabitant
indigena -ae m. native
convenae -arum m. refugees
nauta -ae m. sailor
poeta -ae m. poet
scriba -ae m. secretary
* Special inflection [return to top]
+anima -ae f. soul
+dea -ae f. goddess
+famula -ae f. maid
+filia -ae f. daughter