變位一法動詞 First Conjugation Verb

Latin : colloc-ō, collocāre, collocav-i, collocat-um
English : place/set/situate/arrange

主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive
直述語氣 Indicative 情意語氣 Subjunctive 直述語氣 Indicative 情意語氣 Subjunctive
現在時態 Present
(位,數) 1.sg collocō collocem collocor collocer
(位,數) 2.sg collocās colloces collocāris(-re) collocēris(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg collocat collocet collocātur collocētur
我們(位,數) 1.pl collocāmus collocēmus collocāmur collocēmur
你們(位,數) 2.pl collocātis collocētis collocāminī collocēminī
他們(位,數) 3.pl collocant collocent collocantur collocentur
常過時態 Imperfect
(位,數) 1.sg collocābam collocārem collocābar collocārer
(位,數) 2.sg collocābas collocāres collocābāris(-re) collocārēris(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg collocābat collocāret collocabātur collocarētur
我們(位,數) 1.pl collocabāmus collocarēmus collocabāmur collocarēmur
你們(位,數) 2.pl collocabātis collocarētis collocabāmini collocarēmini
他們(位,數) 3.pl collocābant collocārent collocabāntur collocarēntur
將來時態 Future
(位,數) 1.sg collocābō collocābor
(位,數) 2.sg collocābis collocāberis(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg collocābit collocābitur
我們(位,數) 1.pl collocābimus collocābimur
你們(位,數) 2.pl collocābitis collocabīmini
他們(位,數) 3.pl collocābunt collocabūntur
全過時態 Perfect
(位,數) 1.sg collocavi collocaverim collocatus -a -um sum collocatus -a -um sim
(位,數) 2.sg collocavīsti collocaveris collocatus -a -um es collocatus -a -um sis
(位,數) 3.sg collocavit collocaverit collocatus -a -um est collocatus -a -um sit
我們(位,數) 1.pl collocavimus collocaverīmus collocati -ae -a sumus collocati -ae -a simus
你們(位,數) 2.pl collocavīstis collocaverītis collocati -ae -a estis collocati -ae -a sitis
他們(位,數) 3.pl collocavērunt(-ēre) collocaverint collocati -ae -a sunt collocati -ae -a sint
先過時態 Pluperfect
(位,數) 1.sg collocaveram collocavīssem collocatus -a -um eram collocatus -a -um essem
(位,數) 2.sg collocaveras collocavīsses collocatus -a -um eras collocatus -a -um esses
(位,數) 3.sg collocaverat collocavīsset collocatus -a -um erat collocatus -a -um esset
我們(位,數) 1.pl collocaverāmus collocavissēmus collocati -ae -a eramus collocati -ae -a essemus
你們(位,數) 2.pl collocaverātis collocavissētis collocati -ae -a eratis collocati -ae -a essetis
他們(位,數) 3.pl collocaverant collocavīssent collocati -ae -a erant collocati -ae -a essent
未過時態 Future Perfect
(位,數) 1.sg collocavero collocatus -a -um ero
(位,數) 2.sg collocaveris collocatus -a -um eris
(位,數) 3.sg collocaverit collocatus -a -um erit
我們(位,數) 1.pl collocavērimus collocati -ae -a erimus
你們(位,數) 2.pl collocavēritis collocati -ae -a eritis
他們(位,數) 3.pl collocaverint collocati -ae -a erunt

主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive 主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive
現在時態 Present colloca, collocāte collocāre, collocāmini collocāre collocāri
全過時態 Perfect collocavīsse collocatum -am -um esse
將來時態 Future collocatūrum -ūram -ūrum esse collocatum iri

分詞 Participle 分詞 Participle 動名詞 Gerund 目的動名詞 Supine
主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive 屬格 Gen. collocāndi
現在時態 Present collocans, (-tis) 與格 Dat. collocāndo
全過時態 Perfect collocatus -a -um 賓格 Acc. collocāndum collocatum
將來時態 Future collocatūrus -a -um collocāndus -a -um 奪格 Abl. collocāndo collocatu

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The present website is compiled for an introductory Latin course at the Chinese University of Hong Kong by Dr. Louis Ha.
Copyright by Louis Ha, 2006.

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