變位一法動詞 First Conjugation Verb

Latin : attent-ō, attentāre, attentav-i, attentat-um
English : test/try/tamper with/attack

主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive
直述語氣 Indicative 情意語氣 Subjunctive 直述語氣 Indicative 情意語氣 Subjunctive
現在時態 Present
(位,數) 1.sg attentō attentem attentor attenter
(位,數) 2.sg attentās attentes attentāris(-re) attentēris(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg attentat attentet attentātur attentētur
我們(位,數) 1.pl attentāmus attentēmus attentāmur attentēmur
你們(位,數) 2.pl attentātis attentētis attentāminī attentēminī
他們(位,數) 3.pl attentant attentent attentantur attententur
常過時態 Imperfect
(位,數) 1.sg attentābam attentārem attentābar attentārer
(位,數) 2.sg attentābas attentāres attentābāris(-re) attentārēris(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg attentābat attentāret attentabātur attentarētur
我們(位,數) 1.pl attentabāmus attentarēmus attentabāmur attentarēmur
你們(位,數) 2.pl attentabātis attentarētis attentabāmini attentarēmini
他們(位,數) 3.pl attentābant attentārent attentabāntur attentarēntur
將來時態 Future
(位,數) 1.sg attentābō attentābor
(位,數) 2.sg attentābis attentāberis(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg attentābit attentābitur
我們(位,數) 1.pl attentābimus attentābimur
你們(位,數) 2.pl attentābitis attentabīmini
他們(位,數) 3.pl attentābunt attentabūntur
全過時態 Perfect
(位,數) 1.sg attentavi attentaverim attentatus -a -um sum attentatus -a -um sim
(位,數) 2.sg attentavīsti attentaveris attentatus -a -um es attentatus -a -um sis
(位,數) 3.sg attentavit attentaverit attentatus -a -um est attentatus -a -um sit
我們(位,數) 1.pl attentavimus attentaverīmus attentati -ae -a sumus attentati -ae -a simus
你們(位,數) 2.pl attentavīstis attentaverītis attentati -ae -a estis attentati -ae -a sitis
他們(位,數) 3.pl attentavērunt(-ēre) attentaverint attentati -ae -a sunt attentati -ae -a sint
先過時態 Pluperfect
(位,數) 1.sg attentaveram attentavīssem attentatus -a -um eram attentatus -a -um essem
(位,數) 2.sg attentaveras attentavīsses attentatus -a -um eras attentatus -a -um esses
(位,數) 3.sg attentaverat attentavīsset attentatus -a -um erat attentatus -a -um esset
我們(位,數) 1.pl attentaverāmus attentavissēmus attentati -ae -a eramus attentati -ae -a essemus
你們(位,數) 2.pl attentaverātis attentavissētis attentati -ae -a eratis attentati -ae -a essetis
他們(位,數) 3.pl attentaverant attentavīssent attentati -ae -a erant attentati -ae -a essent
未過時態 Future Perfect
(位,數) 1.sg attentavero attentatus -a -um ero
(位,數) 2.sg attentaveris attentatus -a -um eris
(位,數) 3.sg attentaverit attentatus -a -um erit
我們(位,數) 1.pl attentavērimus attentati -ae -a erimus
你們(位,數) 2.pl attentavēritis attentati -ae -a eritis
他們(位,數) 3.pl attentaverint attentati -ae -a erunt

主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive 主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive
現在時態 Present attenta, attentāte attentāre, attentāmini attentāre attentāri
全過時態 Perfect attentavīsse attentatum -am -um esse
將來時態 Future attentatūrum -ūram -ūrum esse attentatum iri

分詞 Participle 分詞 Participle 動名詞 Gerund 目的動名詞 Supine
主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive 屬格 Gen. attentāndi
現在時態 Present attentans, (-tis) 與格 Dat. attentāndo
全過時態 Perfect attentatus -a -um 賓格 Acc. attentāndum attentatum
將來時態 Future attentatūrus -a -um attentāndus -a -um 奪格 Abl. attentāndo attentatu

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The present website is compiled for an introductory Latin course at the Chinese University of Hong Kong by Dr. Louis Ha.
Copyright by Louis Ha, 2006.

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