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Latin Grammar and Dictionaries
Flash Card Word List (pdf - 384 KB)
Latin for You with 24 tests by Søfa Françoise (pdf - 1.9 MB)
Anthology: Cicero, Seneca, Plautus, Petronius (pdf - 616 KB)
A Latin Grammar by Charles E. Bennett, 1895 (pdf - 6.9 MB)
First Experience Latin with Fr. Reginald Foster - Academic Year 2002-2003 (pdf - 20.5 MB)
Orbis Pictus of John Amos Comenius, 1887 (pdf - 12.2 MB)
Latin Chants
Latin Chants Collection - prepared by CCS,CRS. 2009 (pdf -1.5 MB)
Latin Communion Antiphons - prepared by Richard Rice, 2009 (pdf -1 MB)
A New Book of Old Hymns in Latin and English (pdf - 1.2 MB)
Lenten Kyriale, Music for the Mass, 2006 by the Brandt and Clark families (pdf - 104 KB)
Simple Offertory Verses adapted from The Offertoriale Triplex, 2008 by Richard Rice (pdf - 252 KB)
Simplified Gradual and Alleluia Chants, 2008 adapted by Richard Rice(pdf - 736 KB)
Sunday at Vespers - Douay-Rheims Translation ( pdf -1.1 MB)
Ad Completorium Monasticum, by the Brandt family, 2004 (pdf - 156 KB)
Mass of the Dead (Requiem Mass) (pdf - 220 KB)
Jubilate Deo (Cantus Missae) (pdf - 60 KB)
Missa Kyrie fons bonitatis (pdf - 112 KB)
Marian Antiphons (pdf - 68 KB)
Christus Rex - Pilgrim’s Primer (pdf - 2.8 MB)
Christus Rex - Pilgrimage from Ballarat to Bendigo, Australia (pdf - 5.6 MB)
Rosary in Latin (pdf - 36 KB)
Votive Mass of Our Lady, Help of Christians (pdf - 220 KB)
Vesper in Latin with Chinese Translation (pdf - 1.5 MB)
Some Latin Chants above are available from the Website of Brandt: