a. Video:
BSB Lyrics: As long as you love me b. Ashes and dust - Alcuin Quod nunc es fueram, famosus in orbe, viator, You are now, traveller, what I once was, et quod nunc ego sum, tuque futurus eris. and what I am now you will one day become. Alcuin : Ashes and dust Charlemagne and Alcuin * * * A). PAPAL STATE 4th Century: Basilica of St. John in Lateran 8th century: Donation of Pepin Donation of Constantine forged in the 9th century 12th Century: Donation of Countess Matilda 1870 Papal State finished by the unified Italy 1929 Lateran Treaty - beginning of the Vatican State 1958-1963 John XXIII B). MODERNITY The Catholic Church Versus Modernity (Hans Kung: The Catholic Church: A Short History, Random House Inc. New York, 2001. Chapter VII) A new time The scientific and philosophical revolution: Reason The Church and the Copernican shift The cultural and theological revolution: progress The consequences of the Enlightenment for the Church The political revolution: nation The Church and the revolution The technological and industrial revolution: industry A sweeping condemnation of modernity ¡X the council of the counter-enlightenment resistance (1830-1914) engagement (1891-1858) accommodation (1958-1978) consolidation (1978- ) From Catholicism against modernity to the problematic modernity of Catholicism C). WWI (1914-1918), WWII (1939-1945), Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) D). Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (1881-1963) Named Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) - antipope of the same name (1410-1415) Visit to Regina Coeli (1958) Convoked the Vatican II at the age of 80 (1962). Liturgy - added "Joseph" Pacem in Terris (1963) to all people of good will. ![]() Pope John XXIII's coronation in 1958. He was crowned wearing the 1877 Palatine Tiara ![]() Pope John's own personal papal tiara. It was a gift of the people of Venice in 1959. ![]() ![]() * * * Opening Speech to the Council of Pope John XXIII - 11 October, 1962, "In these modern times they can see nothing but prevarication and ruin. They say that our era, in comparison with past eras, is getting worse, and they behave as though they had learned nothing from history, which is, none the less, the teacher of life. .... Venerable brothers, such is the aim of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, which, while bringing together the Church's best energies and striving to have men welcome more favorably the good tidings of salvation, prepares, as it were and consolidates the path toward that unity of mankind which is required as a necessary foundation, in order that the earthly city may be brought to the resemblance of that heavenly city where truth reigns, charity is the law, and whose extent is eternity (Cf. St. Augustine, Epistle 138, 3)." Council Documents 4 constitutions: Church, Divine Revelation, Liturgy, Pastoral 9 decrees: communication, ecumenism, Estern Churches, bishops, priestly formation, religious, laity, priests, missionary 3 declarations: Christian education, non-Christian, religious freedom Church: this world and the other world - jam et nondum (GS 43) Liturgy: culmen et fons (SC 10) scripture, tradition, teaching office: servant (DV 10) extra ecclesiam nulla salus (LG 8) common priesthood (LG 10) religious liberty: truth (DH 1) Fulltext Search Engine of all documents of the II Vatican Council (1962-65) * * * HONG KONG Changing of altars giving up Latin giving up uniforms: position / function leaving priesthood: laity, marriage worker-priests permanent deacons social actions: Fr. Hurley, Fr. McGovern, Fr. Elsinger, Fr. Giampietro, Fr. Lambertoni, Fr. Mella, Fr. Paul Kam, Bp Zen John Chan: a delegate of the Council Brethren in Christ * * * ??? married priests, women priests ??? contraception, abortion, euthanasia ??? option for the poor ??? democracy, election of bishops by the priests ??? medieval experience: burden / treasure |