2. Subjunctive Imperfect
- A wish for the present (utinam +)
Utinam ne adesses.
Would that you were not here.
- Condition contrary to fact present
Si id faceret, prudens esset.
If he were doing it, he would be wise.
Si hoc diceret, erraret.
If he were saying this, he would be wrong.
- Sequence of tenses
[main verb in past tenses, action contemporaneous or subsequent]
* Indirect question
Rogaverunt (rogabant) quid feceret.
They asked (kept asking) what he is doing (will do).
* Circumstances
Cum hoc sciret, potuit eos juvare.
Since he know this, he was able to help them.
* Result
Tanta fecit ut urbem servaret.
He did such great things that he saved the city.
* Purpose
Haec fecit ut urbem servaret.
He did these things that he might saved the city.
Id fecit (faciebat) ut me juvaret.
He did (kept doing) it to help me.
Hoc fecit (faciebat) ne caperetur.
He did (kept doing) this that he might not be captured.