[Owl]Word list of "Somnium Scipionis"

ab, a, prep. w. abl. -- by, from
absens -entis -- absent, away
abstraho -trahere -traxi -tractum -- draw away; exclude, estrange
accendo -cendere -cendi -censum -- light, set on fire, kindle; illuminate
acceptus -a -um -- welcome, pleasing
accido -cidere -cidi -- happen, befall
accipio -cipere -cepi -ceptum -- receive; welcome, entertain; hear, learn
acies -ei, f. -- sharp edge; vision
acute, adv. -- sharply, shrilly
acutus -a -um -- sharp; high, shrill
ad, prep. w. acc. -- to, toward; for
adcolo -colere -colui -cultum -- live near
adfero -ferre -tuli -latum -- bring to, impart
adhuc, adv. -- up to now, still
aditus -us, m. -- entrance; access, right of entrance
adiuvo -iuvare -iuvi -iutum -- help, aid
admiror -ari, dep. -- wonder, marvel at
adsequor -sequi -secutus, dep. -- follow after; reach, attain
adsigno -are -- assign, allot
adsum -esse -fui -futurus -- be present; ades animo = take heart
adversus -a -um -- on the other side, opposite, facing, head on
Aegyptus -i, f. -- Egypt
aequabiliter, adv. -- evenly, uniformly
aetas -atis, f. -- age, time on earth
aeternus -a -um -- eternal, everlasting
aevum -i, n. -- time, period of time, lifetime
Africa -ae, f. -- Africa
Africanus -i, m. -- Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus (both elder and younger)
agito -are -- set in motion; trouble, vex
agnosco -noscere -novi -nitum -- recognize
ago agere egi actum -- drive; do, perform; grates ago = give thanks
alacer alacris alacre -- lively, eager, enthusiastic
alienus -a -um -- belonging to another, foreign
aliquanto, adv. -- by a little, somewhat
aliquis aliquid -- someone, something
aliunde, adv. -- from some other source
alius alia aliud -- other
alte, adv. -- high up, high
alter altera alterum -- other (of two); alter...alter = the one...the other
altus -a -um -- high
amicus -a -um -- friendly
amputo -are -- cut off; remove
anceps ancipitis -- two-headed; ambiguous, uncertain
anfractus -us, m. -- turning, winding; revolution
angustiae -arum, f.pl. -- narrow space; straits, difficulties
angusto -are -- narrow, make narrow
angustus -a -um -- narrow, confined
animal animalis, n. -- living being, animal
animo -are -- give life to, animate
animus -i, m. -- soul, mind, heart
annus -i, m. -- year
ante, adv. -- before, previously; ante quam = before
aperio aperire aperui apertum -- open, open up; disclose, reveal, make known
apparatus -us, m. -- preparation; splendor, magnificence
appello -are -- name, call
apud, prep. w. acc. -- with, among
aquilo -onis, m. -- the north wind; the north
arbitror -ari, dep. -- think, suppose, figure
arceo -ere -ui -- shut in, enclose; hinder, prevent
ardor -oris, m. -- flame, heat
arrideo -ridere -risi -risum -- laugh, smile at
artus -a -um -- narrow, tight, confining
Asia -ae, f. -- the Roman province of Asia
aspicio -spicere -spexi -spectum -- look at, behold, see
astrum -i, n. -- star
Atlanticus -a -um -- pertaining to Mt. Atlas; Atlantic
atque (ac), conj. -- and, and also
attingo -tingere -tigi -tactum -- touch; touch upon, border
audeo audere ausus sum, semidep. -- dare
audio -ire -- hear, listen to
augeo augere auxi auctum -- increase, enlarge, magnify
auris -is, f. -- ear
auster austri, m. -- the south wind; the south
australis -e -- southern
aut, conj. -- or; aut...aut = either...or
autem, conj. -- but, moreover
avus -i, m. -- grandfather
beatus -a -um -- happy, blessed
bellum -i, n. -- war
bene, adv. -- well
biennium -i, n. -- a period of two years
bonus -a -um -- good
caducus -a -um -- falling, fallen; perishable
Caeles -itis, c. -- an inhabitant of heaven, god
caelestis -e -- of the sky, heavenly
caelum -i, n. -- sky, heaven
candor -oris, m. -- whiteness, brightness
cantus -us, m. -- song
capio capere cepi captum -- take, seize; apprehend
Capitolium -i, n. -- the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline, the Capitol
carcer carceris, n. -- prison
careo carere carui cariturus (+ abl.) -- be without, be deprived of, lack
Catadupa -orum, n.pl. -- the Nile cataracts
Caucasus -i, m. -- the Caucasus Mtns., between the Black and Caspian Seas
causa -ae, f. -- reason, cause
celebritas -atis, f. -- crowd, throng; fame, celebrity
celeritas -atis, f. -- swiftness, speed
censor -oris, m. -- censor
cerno cernere crevi cretum -- see, behold
certe, adv. -- surely, certainly
certus -a -um -- definite, fixed
ceterus -a -um -- the rest, the rest of
cieo ciere civi citum -- set in motion, move
cingo cingere cinxi cinctum -- surround, confine
cingulus (cingulum) -i, m. -- girdle, belt; zone
circuitus -us, m. -- circular course, circuit
circulus -i, m. -- circle; circuit, orbit
circum, prep. w. acc. -- around, about
circumdo -dare -dedi -datum -- place around; surround
circumfundo -fundere -fudi -fusum -- pour around; surround
circus -i, m. -- circle; racetrack
citimus -a -um -- closest, nearest
citro, adv. -- on this side; ultro citroque = back and forth
civitas -atis, f. -- citizenship; community, state
clarus -a -um -- bright; illustrious, famous
coepi coeptum -- begin
coetus -us, m. -- coming together; gathering, group, society
cogitatio -onis, f. -- thought, idea
cogito -are -- think
cognomen -nominis, n. -- last name, surname
cogo cogere coegi coactum -- drive together; force, compel
cohorresco -horrescere -horrui -- shudder
colo colere colui cultum -- till; inhabit; practice, cultivate; honor, cherish
comes -itis, c. -- companion, comrade
complector -plectere -plexus, dep. -- hug, embrace; surround, encompass
compleo -plere -plevi -pletum -- fill, fill up
concentus -us, m. -- singing together, harmony
concido -cidere -cidi -- fall, collapse
concilium -i, n. -- gathering, assembly
concitatus -a -um -- fast, rapid
conecto -nectere -nexui -nexum -- tie together, connect, unite
conficio -ficere -feci -fectum -- complete, finish, accomplish
conlacrimo -are -- cry, weep much
consequor -sequi -secutus, dep. -- follow; get, obtain, attain
conservator -oris, m. -- preserver, savior
conservo -are -- save, preserve
consilium -i, n. -- counsel, advice; plan
consisto -sistere -stiti -stitum -- stand still, stand firm; stop, halt
conspicio -spicere -spexi -spectum -- see, behold
constituo -stituere -stitui -stitutum -- establish; arrange, bring order to
consul consulis, m. -- consul
consumo -sumere -sumpsi -sumptum -- use up, consume; spend (time)
contemno -temnere -tempsi -temptum -- scorn, despise
contemplor -ari, dep. -- look closely at, survey; consider, contemplate
contineo -tinere -tinui -tentum -- hold together; surround, contain
contingo -tingere -tigi -tactum -- touch; affect; happen
contrarius -a -um -- opposite, contrary
contueor -tueri -tuitus, dep. -- look at, survey; consider
convenio -venire -veni -ventum -- come together; meet with, visit, talk to
conversio -onis, f. -- turning
converto -vertere -verti -versum -- turn, turn round; complete (a period of time)
Cornelius -a -um -- of the gens Cornelia
corpus corporis, n. -- body
credo -dere -didi -ditum -- believe
creo -are -- make, create
cubo cubare cubui cubitum -- recline, lie down (to sleep)
cum, prep. w. abl. -- with
cum, conj. -- when, since, although; cum...tum = not only...but also
cunctus -a -um -- all
cupio cupere cupivi cupitum -- want, desire
cura -ae, f. -- care, concern; trouble, effort
currus -us, m. -- chariot
cursus -us, m. -- running; course, path, orbit
custodia -ae, f. -- protection; custody, confinement; prison
de, prep. w. abl. -- from; of, about, concerning
declaro -are -- make clear, reveal, declare
decus decoris, n. -- honor, glory
dedo -dere -didi -ditum -- give over, surrender; devote, dedicate
deficio -ficere -feci -fectum -- fail; desert, abandon; become eclipsed
defigo -figere -fixi -fixum -- fix, fasten
definio -ire -- mark out; assign
defugio -fugere -fugi -- flee away; flee from, avoid
deinceps, adv. -- successively, continuously
deinde, adv. -- then, next
deleo delere delevi deletum -- destroy, abolish
deligo -ligere -legi -lectum -- choose, select
demonstro -are -- point out, show
desero -serere -serui -sertum -- abandon, desert
desino -sinere -sii -situm -- stop, cease
despero -are -- give up hope, despair of
desum -esse -fui -futurus -- fail, be deficient; fall short of (+ dat.)
deus -i, m. -- god
dico dicere dixi dictum -- say, speak; name, call
dictator -oris, m. -- dictator
dictum -i, n. -- thing said, word, saying
dies -ei, m. and f. -- day
digitus -i, m. -- finger
dilato -are -- spread, extend
discedo -cedere -cessi -cessum -- go away, depart, leave
discriptio -onis, f. -- arrangement, distribution
disiungo -iungere -iunxi -iunctum -- divide, separate
distinctus -a -um -- separate, distinct
diu, adv. -- for a long time
diuturnus -a -um -- long, long-lasting
diversus -a -um -- turned away from one another, opposite; different, opposed
divinus -a -um -- divine
do dare dedi datum -- give
doctus -a -um -- educated, learned, wise
domus -us, f. -- home
dulcis -e -- sweet, agreeable, charming
duo duae duo -- two
dux ducis, c. -- leader, guide
efficio -ficere -feci -fectum -- bring about; produce, make, create
effugio -fugere -fugi -- flee away; flee from, escape
ego mei, pers. pron. -- I, me
elabor -labi -lapsus, dep. -- slip away, escape
eluceo -lucere -luxi -- shine
eluvio -onis, f. -- flood, inundation
emineo -ere -ui -- stick out, project
enim, particle -- for, for indeed
enitor -niti -nixus, dep. -- struggle, strive
Ennius -i, m. -- Quintus Ennius, an early Roman poet
equidem, particle -- indeed, truly
et, conj. -- and; et...et = both...and
etiam, part. -- also, even
etsi, conj. -- even if, although
everto -vertere -verti -versum -- overturn, destroy
evolo -are -- fly away
ex, e, prep. w. abl. -- out of, of, from
exagito -are -- disturb, agitate, persecute
excelsus -a -um -- high, lofty
excitatus -a -um -- lively, animated; loud
excito -are -- rouse, arouse
exclamo -are -- cry out, shout
exerceo -ere -ui -itum -- practice, exercise
exercitatus -a -um -- experienced, skilled; troubled
exiguus -a -um -- small, meager
expeto -petere -petivi -petitum -- seek out, desire, strive after
expleo -plere -plevi -pletum -- fill up; complete, finish
expono -ponere -posui -positum -- set forth; display, reveal; explain
exscindo -scindere -scidi -scissum -- tear out; destroy, annihilate
exspecto -are -- wait for; expect
exstinguo -tinguere -tinxi -tinctum -- exstinguish; kill, destroy
externus -a -um -- from the outside, outer, external
extimus (extumus) -a -um -- outermost
extra, adv. -- outside, beyond
extremus -a -um -- farthest, most remote
exustio -onis, f. -- burning, conflagration
facile, adv. -- easily
facio facere feci factum -- do, make
factum -i, n. -- deed, act, action
familia -ae, f. -- family, household
fatalis -e -- fated, fateful
fatum -i, n. -- fate
fere, adv. -- almost, about, nearly; as a rule, commonly
fero ferre tuli latum -- carry, bear; suffer, endure
fessus -a -um -- tired, weary
figura -ae, f. -- figure, shape, form
finis -is, m. and f. -- limit, end
fio fieri factus sum -- be made, be done, become; happen
flamma -ae, f. -- flame
fleo flere flevi fletum -- cry, weep
fletus -us, m. -- crying, weeping
fons fontis, m. -- spring, fountain; source, origin
foras, adv. -- outside; forth, out
forma -ae, f. -- shape, form, appearance
fragilis -e -- breakable, fragile
fruor frui fructus, dep. (+ abl) -- enjoy
fulgor -oris, m. -- lightning; brightness, radiance
futurus -a -um -- future
Ganges -is, m. -- the Ganges
genero -are -- beget, create
gens gentis, f. -- tribe, people
genus generis, n. -- kind, race, species
gigno gignere genui genitum -- beget, bring forth
globosus -a -um -- spherical
globus -i, m. -- sphere
gloria -ae, f. -- fame, glory
Graecia -ae, f. -- Greece
Graii -orum, m.pl. -- the Greeks
grates, f.pl. -- thanks, gratitude; grates ago = give thanks
gravis -e -- heavy; low, deep (of sound)
graviter, adv. -- heavily; deeply (of sound)
habeo -ere -ui -itum -- have, hold; regard, consider
habitabilis -e -- inhabitable
habito -are -- inhabit
haereo haerere haesi haesum -- stick, cling; be stuck
hebetior -ius -- more blunt, duller
hereditarius -a -um -- hereditary, inherited
hic haec hoc, pron. and adj. -- this, these
hic, adv. -- here; hereupon
hinc, adv. -- from this place, from here
Homerus -i, m. -- Homer
homo hominis, c. -- man, human being
horribilis -e -- terrible, frightful
huc, adv. -- to this place, hither
humanus -a -um -- of men, human
humus -i, f. -- ground, soil, earth; humi, locative = on the ground
iam, adv. -- now, already
idem eadem idem -- the same
identidem, adv. -- again and again
igitur, adv. -- therefore, then
ignis -is, m. -- fire, flame
ille illa illud, pron. and adj. -- that, those
illustris -e -- bright, shining; illustrious
imago imaginis, f. -- image, likeness; statue, portrait
imitor -ari, dep. -- copy, imitate
immo, particle -- nay rather, on the contrary; yes indeed
immobilis (inmobilis) -e -- immovable, motionless
impar imparis -- unequal
impello -pellere -puli -pulsus -- set in motion, impel
imperium -i, n. -- command, authority; empire
impius -a -um -- disloyal, impious, unholy
impulsus -us, m. -- pushing, impulse
in, prep. w. abl. and acc. -- in, on; into, to
inanimus -a -um -- lifeless, inanimate
incitatus -a -um -- rapid, swift
incito -are -- set in motion; excite, spur on
includo -cludere -clusi -clusum -- shut in, include
incolo -colere -colui -cultum -- inhabit, dwell in
infigo -figere -fixi -fixum -- fix, fasten on
infimus -a -um -- lowest
infra, adv. -- below
ingemesco -gemescere -gemui -- groan
ingenium -i, n. -- nature, character; talent, ability
ingredior -gredi -gressus, dep. -- walk into, enter; begin; walk in or on (+ dat.)
iniussu, abl. sing. m. -- without orders, without leave
inlecebra -ae, f. -- enticement, allurement, charm
inquam, inquis, inquit, etc. -- say, speak
insidiae -arum, f.pl. -- ambush; treachery
insisto -sistere -stiti -- stand or walk on
insula -ae, f. -- island
inter, prep. w. acc. -- between, among
intericio -icere -ieci -iectum -- throw between, interpose
interior -ius -- inner, interior
interitus -us, m. -- death, destruction
interrumpo -rumpere -rupi -ruptum -- break in the middle, sever, separate
intersum -esse -fui -- be between; impers. = it is important, it matters
intervallum -i, n. -- interval
intueor -tueri -tuitus, dep. -- look to, gaze at; consider
inveho -vehere -vexi -vectum -- draw or carry in; pass. as mid. = ride
invictus -a -um -- unconquered; invincible
ipse ipsa ipsum, intensive pron. -- himself, herself, themselves, etc.
is ea id, pron. and adj. -- this, that
iste ista istud -- that (of yours); this, that
ita, adv. -- thus, so, to such a degree
itaque, adv. -- and so, therefore
iterum, adv. -- again, a second time
Iuppiter Iovis, m. -- Jupiter
ius iuris, n. -- law
iustitia -ae, f. -- justice
iustus -a -um -- just, fair; justifiable
Karthago -inis, f. -- Carthage
lacrima -ae, f. -- tear
lacteus -a -um -- of milk, milky; milky white
Laelius -i, m. -- Gaius Laelius, a friend of Scipio
Latini -orum, m.pl. -- the Latins
latior latius -- wider, broader
latus lateris, n. -- side, flank
laus laudis, f. -- praise
laxo -are -- loosen, widen; let loose, release
legatus -i, m. -- ambassador; deputy, lieutenant
legio -onis, f. -- a legion, a division of the Roman army
leniter, adv. -- softly, gently
lex legis, f. -- law
libero -are -- free, release
libido libidinis, f. -- strong desire, passion, appetite
limes limitis, m. -- boundary; path, road
locus -i, m. -- place
longus -a -um -- long
loquor loqui locutus, dep. -- say, speak, talk; talk about, discuss
luceo lucere luxi -- shine, be bright
lumen -minis, n. -- light; lamp; heavenly body
luna -ae, f. -- moon
lunaris -e -- of the moon, lunar
lustro -are -- pass around or over; light up, illuminate
lux lucis, f. -- light
macula -ae, f. -- spot, stain; dot
magis, adv. -- more
magnitudo -tudinis, f. -- greatness; size, magnitude
magnus -a -um -- big, large; great, mighty
Manilius -i, m. -- Manius Manilius, consul in 149 B.C.
Manius -i, m. -- a Roman praenomen (abbreviated M'.)
maneo manere mansi -- remain, stay
mano -are -- flow; spread
manus -us, f. -- hand
mare maris, n. -- sea
Martius -a -um -- of Mars
Masinissa -ae, m. -- king of Numidia
maxime, adv. -- most greatly, very much, most
maximus -a -um -- largest, greatest, very great
medius -a -um -- middle, midway, in the middle
melior melius -- better
memini -isse -- remember, recollect
memoria -ae, f. -- memory; remembrance
mens mentis, f. -- mind
Mercurius -i, m. -- Mercury
mereor -eri -itus, dep. -- earn, deserve; bene mereor = be well-deserving
metior metiri mensus, dep. -- measure
metus -us, m. -- fear
meus -a -um -- my, mine
migro -are -- leave a place, migrate; leave, depart
miles militis, m. -- soldier
minimus -a -um -- smallest, very small
minister -tri, m. -- servant
mirabilis -e -- marvelous, remarkable
moderator -oris, m. -- governor, manager
moderor -ari, dep. -- set limits to, restrain; manage, govern
modo, adv. -- now, just now; only; tantum modo = only, just
mons montis, m. -- mountain
morior mori mortuus, dep. -- die
moror -ari, dep. -- delay, linger
mors mortis, f. -- death
mortalis -e -- subject to death, mortal
motus -us, m. -- movement, motion
moveo movere movi motum -- move
multo, adv. -- by much, much
multus -a -um -- much; many
mundus -i, m. -- the world, universe
munus muneris, n. -- duty; gift
nam, conj. -- for
namque, conj. -- for
nanciscor nancisci nanctus, dep. -- obtain; come upon; meet with, experience
nascor nasci natus, dep. -- be born
natura -ae, f. -- nature
naturalis -e -- produced by nature, natural
ne, conj. and adv. -- so that not, that not, lest; ne...quidem = not...even
nec, neque, conj. -- and not, nor; nec...nec = neither...nor
necesse, indecl. adj. -- necessary; w. est = it is necessary (+ subj. or inf.)
nego -are -- deny
nemo neminis, m. -- no one, nobody
nepos -otis, m. -- grandson
nequeo -ire -ivi and ii -- be unable to
nervus -i, m. -- sinew; string of a musical instrument
nihil, indecl. n. -- nothing; as adv. = not at all
Nilus -i, m. -- the Nile
nisi, conj. -- if not, unless
nitor niti nisus and nixus, dep. -- lean or rest on; depend; strive
nodus -i, m. -- knot
nomen nominis, n. -- name
nomino -are -- name, call
non, adv. -- not
nondum, adv. -- not yet
nonne, interr. particle - introduces a question expecting an affirmative answer
nonus -a -um -- ninth
nos nostri and nostrum, pers. pron. -- we, us
noster nostra nostrum -- our, ours
notior -ius -- better known, more familiar
notus -a -um -- known, well-known, familiar
novem, indecl. numeral -- nine
nox noctis, f. -- night
nullus -a -um -- not any, none
num, interr. particle - introduces a question expecting a negative answer
Numantia -ae, f. -- a town in Spain
numerus -i, m. -- number
nunc, adv. -- now
nuncupo -are -- name, call
numquam, adv. -- never
nutus -us, m. -- nod; will, volition
ob, prep. w. acc. -- on account of
obeo -ire -ii -itum -- go to; sink, set
obliquus -a -um -- aslant, sideways
oblivio -onis, f. -- forgetfulness, oblivion
oboedio -ire (+ dat.) -- listen to, obey
obrigesco -rigescere -rigui -- become hard; freeze
obruo -ruere -rui -rutum -- cover up, bury; destroy
obsurdesco -surdescere -surdui -- become deaf
obtineo -tinere -tinui -tentum -- hold, possess, occupy
occido -cidere -cidi -casum -- fall; die, perish
Oceanus -i, m. -- the ocean
ocius, adv. -- more swiftly, more quickly
octiens, adv. -- eight times
octo, indecl. numeral -- eight
oculus -i, m. -- eye
offendo -fendere -fendi -fensum -- strike against; offend; come upon, find
olim, adv. -- at one time, once
omitto -mittere -misi -missum -- let go, lay aside; omit; disregard
omnis -e -- every, all, whole
oportet oportere oportuit, impers. -- it is necessary (+ subj.)
oppleo -plere -plevi -pletum -- fill, fill up, block
oppugno -are -- attack, assault
optimus -a -um -- best; excellent, splendid
orbis -is, m. -- circle; orbit
origo originis, f. -- beginning, source, origin
orior oriri ortus, dep. -- rise, arise; be born
osculor -ari, dep. -- kiss
ostendo -tendere -tendi -tentum and -tensum -- show, display, reveal
paene, adv. -- almost, nearly
paenitet -ere -uit -- it causes regret (w. gen. expresssing cause)
parens -entis, c. -- parent
pareo -ere -ui -- appear; obey, be subject to (+ dat.)
pario parere peperi partum -- give birth to; cause, produce; get, procure
pars partis, f. -- part; side, direction; pro rata parte = proportionately
partim, adv. -- partly
parumper, adv. -- for a little while
parvus -a -um -- little, small
pateo -ere -ui -- be open, lie open; extend; be clear, obvious
pater patris, m. -- father
patria -ae, f. -- fatherland, country
pauciores -a -- fewer
Paulus -i, m. -- L. Aemilianus Paulus Macedonicus, father of the younger Scipio
penetro -are -- make one's way into, penetrate
per, prep. w. acc. -- through
percontor -ari, dep. -- ask, question
perennis -e -- lasting a year; lasting, permanent
perterreo -ere -ui -itum -- frighten, terrify
pertineo -tinere -tinui -- reach, extend to; belong to, pertain
perturbo -are -- disturb, trouble, agitate
pervolo -are -- fly through; fly
pietas -atis, f. -- sense of duty, loyalty, devotion
pius -a -um -- dutiful, loyal, pious
plenus -a -um -- full, full of
pondus ponderis, n. -- weight, mass
pono ponere posui positum -- put, place, set
populariter, adv. -- commonly
populus -i, m. -- people
possideo -sidere -sedi -sessum -- have, hold, occupy
possum posse potui -- be able to
post, adv. -- afterward, later
postea, adv. -- afterward, later
posteritas -atis, f. -- posterity
posterus -a -um -- following, next; posteri -orum, m.pl = posterity
potior potius -- preferable, more desirable
potius, adv. -- rather, preferably
praebeo -ere -ui -itum -- offer, provide; show
praecipito -are -- hurl headlong; fall headlong, rush down
praeclarus -a -um -- very bright; beautiful, splendid
praemium -i, n. -- award; reward
praepono -ponere -posui -positum -- place before; put over, place in charge of
praesertim, adv. -- especially
praestans -antis -- excellent, distinguished
praeter, prep. w. acc. -- except
princeps -cipis -- first, foremost; as subst. = leader
principium -i, n. -- beginning, source, origin
primum, adv. -- first
primus -a -um -- first; a primo = from the first, from the beginning
pristinus -a -um -- earlier, former
pro, prep. w. abl. -- for
prodo -dere -didi -ditum -- put forth; pass down, transmit
produco -ducere -duxi -ductum -- lead forth; prolong, continue
profecto, adv. -- really, truly
proficiscor proficisci profectus, dep. -- set out, leave, depart
profundo -fundere -fudi -fusum -- pour forth, shed
prohibeo -ere -ui -itum -- restrain, prevent; prohibit
proles -is, f. -- offspring, descendants
propero -are -- hurry, hasten
propinquus -a -um -- near; as subst. = relative, kinsman
proprius -a -um -- one's own, special, peculiar
propter, prep. w. acc. -- near; on account of
prosperus -a -um -- prosperous, successful; propitious, favorable
provideo -videre -vidi -visum -- look ahead, foresee; make provisions
pruina -ae, f. -- frost
publicus -a -um -- public; res publica = the state, republic
Publius -i, m. -- a Roman praenomen (abbrev. P.)
pueritia -ae, f. -- boyhood
pulsus -us, m. -- striking, stroke, blow; push, impulse
punctum -i, n. -- point, dot
quaero quaerere quaesivi quaesitum -- seek; ask
quaeso -ere -- ask, pray
qualis -e -- of what sort; talis...qualis = such...as
quam, adv. -- how; than; tam...quam = such...as
quamquam, conj. -- although
quando, adv. -- when; since, because
quandoque, adv. -- whenever; at some time or another
quantus -a -um -- how much, what great
quare, adv. -- on which account, therefore
quartus -a -um -- fourth
quasi, adv. -- as if, as it were
qui quae quod, relat. pron. and interr. adj. -- who, which, what, that
quia, conj. -- because
quid, interr. adv. -- why
quidam quaedam quoddam -- a certain (person or thing)
quidem, adv. -- indeed, to be sure; ne...quidem = not even
quiesco quiescere quievi quietum -- rest; be at peace
quin, adv. -- why not; nay rather, but indeed
quis quid, interr. pron. -- who, what
quisque quaeque quidque -- each, every
quisquam quaequam quidquam -- anyone, anything
quocirca, adv. -- on which account, therefore
quod, conj. -- because
quodsi, conj. -- but if
quoniam, conj. -- since, because
quousque, adv. -- how long
radius -i, m. -- rod; ray, beam of light
rarus -a -um -- scattered about, far apart
ratio -onis, f. -- calculation; reason
ratus -a -um -- determined, fixed; pro rata parte = proportionally
recipio -cipere -cepi -ceptum -- take back, recover
recreo -are -- create again, make new, restore
rector -oris, m. -- director, ruler
redeo -ire -ii -itum -- return
redimio -ire -- wreathe round, crown; surround
reditus -us, m. -- return
refero -ferre -tuli -latum -- bring back, return; restore, repeat
regio -onis, f. -- region, district
regius -a -um -- of a king, royal, regal
regnum -i, n. -- kingship, sovereignty; kingdom
rego regere rexi rectum -- guide, rule
reliquus -a -um -- remaining, rest (of)
renascor -nasci -natus, dep. -- be reborn
renovo -are -- make new, renew, restore
reprimo -primere -pressi -pressum -- hold back, restrain, repress
res rei, f. -- thing, matter, affair; res publica = the state, republic
rex regis, m. -- king
retineo -tinere -tinui -tentum -- hold back, detain; keep, maintain
retro, adv. -- back, backwards
revertor -verti -versus, dep. -- return
revoco -are -- call back, recall; bring back
rex regis, m. -- king
Romanus -a -um -- Roman
Romulus -i, m. -- Romulus, legendary founder and first king of Rome
rotundus -a -um -- round, circular
rutilus -a -um -- red
saeculum -i, n. -- generation, age
saepissime, adv. -- most often, very often
salus -utis, f. -- health, safety, welfare
salutaris -e -- bringing health, salutary
sanctissimus -a -um -- most sacred, holy
Saturnius -a -um -- of Saturn
scio scire scivi scitum -- know, understand
Scipio -onis, m. -- a Roman cognomen
scribo scribere scripsi scriptum -- write
se, sese, acc., reflex. pron. -- himself, herself, itself, themselves
sed, conj. -- but
sedes -is, f. -- seat, abode
semel, adv. -- one time, once
semper, adv. -- always
sempiternus -a -um -- eternal
senatus -us, m. -- the Senate
senex senis, m. -- old man
sensus -us, m. -- sense, perception
sentio sentire sensi sensum -- feel; perceive
septem, indecl. numeral -- seven
septeni -ae -a -- seven each
sermo sermonis, m. -- talk, conversation
si, conj. -- if
sic, adv. -- in this way, thus; ut...sic = as...so
sicut, adv. -- just as
sidus sideris, n. -- star, constellation
signum -i, n. -- sign; constellation
silentium -i, n. -- silence
siquidem, conj. -- if indeed
socio -are -- join together, unite
socius -i, m. -- comrade, ally
sol solis, m. -- the sun
soleo solere solitus -- be accustomed
solitudo -inis, f. -- solitude; deserted place, wasteland
solum, adv. -- only
solus -a -um -- alone, only, sole
solvo solvere solvi solutum -- loosen; let loose, release
somnus -i, m. -- sleep
sonitus -us, m. -- sound
sono sonare sonui sonitum -- make a sound
sonus -i, m. -- sound
specto -are -- look, look at; consider
spes spei, f. -- hope, expectation
splendidissimus -a -um -- very bright, brilliant
st, interj. -- sh! hush!
stella -ae, f. -- star
stellifer -a -um -- carrying stars, star-bearing
sto stare steti statum -- stand
studium -i, n. -- eagerness; activity, pursuit
stupeo -ere -ui -- be stunned, amazed
subicio -icere -ieci -iectum -- place under, place below
subnixus -a -um -- resting on, supported by
subter, adv. and prep. w. acc. -- below, beneath
sum esse fui futurus -- be
summa -ae, f. -- sum
summus -a -um -- highest, greatest
supra, adv. and prep. w. acc. -- above, beyond
suspicio -spicere -spexi -spectum -- look up; suspect
suspicor -ari, dep. -- suspect; imagine, suppose
suus -a -um -- one's own
Syria -ae, f. -- Syria
talis -e -- of such a kind, such; talis...qualis = such...as
tam, adv. -- so; tam...quam = such...as
tamen, adv. -- nevertheless
tamquam, adv. -- like, just as, just as though
tandem, adv. -- finally, at last
tantum, adv. -- only
tantus -a -um -- so great, such great
tectum -i, n. -- roof; house, dwelling
tellus -uris, f. -- earth
temperatio -onis, f. -- organization; organizing agent
tempero -are -- moderate, temper; mix together, blend
templum -i, n. -- temple; region
tempus temporis, n. -- time
teneo tenere tenui tentum -- hold; contain, comprise
tenuis -e -- thin, slender; narrow
terra -ae, f. -- earth; land
timor -oris, m. -- fear
torreo torrere torrui tostum -- burn, scorch
totus -a -um -- whole, entire
trado -dere -didi -ditum -- hand over, surrender; pass down; commit, devote
traho trahere traxi tractum -- drag, draw
tranato -are -- swim across
transcendo -scendere -scendi -scensum -- climb across
transversus -a -um -- crossways, sideways
tribunus -i, m. -- tribune
tribuo -uere -ui -utum -- allot, assign, grant
triumphus -i, m. -- triumphal procession, triumph
tu tui, sing. pers. pron. -- you
tueor tueri tuitus, dep. -- look at; watch over, guard; keep in order, preserve
tum, adv. -- then; cum...tum = not only...but also
tuto -are -- protect, preserve
tuus -a -um -- your, yours
ubi, adv. -- where; when
ullus -a -um -- any; anyone, anything
ultimus -a -um -- farthest, most remote
ultro, adv. -- on the far side, beyond
umquam, adv. -- ever
unde, adv. -- from where, whence
unus -a -um -- one; only one, one alone
urbs urbis, f. -- city
urgeo urgere ursi -- push, press
ut, adv. and conj. -- as; when; that, so that
uterque utraque utrumque -- each (of two), both
varius -a -um -- various, diverse
vastus -a -um -- empty, desolate; vast
vehementius, comp. adv. -- more violently; very strongly, vigorously
vel, conj. -- or; vel...vel = either...or
velocius, comp. adv. -- more swiftly
venio venire veni ventum -- come
Venus Veneris, f. -- Venus
verbum -i, n. -- word
verso -are -- turn
vertex verticis, m. -- whirlpool; top, summit; polar region, pole
verto vertere verti versum -- turn
vere, adv. -- truly
vero, adv. -- truly, really; on the other hand, however
verus -a -um -- true, genuine
vester vestra vestrum -- your, yours
vestigium -i, n. -- footstep, footprint, track; foot
via -ae, f. -- road, way; journey
vicesimus -a -um -- twentieth
videlicet, adv. -- clearly, plainly
video videre vidi visum -- see; in pass. = seem, appear
vigeo -ere -ui -- be vigorous, flourish
vigilantius, comp. adv. -- more vigilantly
vigilo -are -- be awake, stay awake
vinco vincere vici victum -- conquer, defeat; overcome, surpass
vinculum -i, n. -- chain, bond
violo -are -- outrage, violate
vir viri, m. -- man
virtus -utis, f. -- excellence, goodness; valor
vis, acc. vim, f. -- power, force; large number, abundance
vita -ae, f. -- life
vivo vivere vixi victum -- live, be alive
vix, adv. -- scarcely, barely
voco -are -- call
volo velle volui -- want, wish
voluptas -atis, f. -- pleasure, delight
voluto -are -- roll; pass. as mid. = roll around
volvo volvere volvi volutum -- roll, turn around
vos vestri and vestrum, pl. pers. pron. -- you
vulgus -i, n. -- common people, crowd