[Owl]Supper with Gods - 4

Metamorphoses VIII, 707-715 - Ovid:

'Esse sacerdotes delubraque vestra tueri poscimus,
'We ask to be priests and guardians of your shrine,

et quoniam concordes egimus annos,
and since we have lived together in harmony

auferat hora duos eadem, nec coniugis umquam busta meae videam,
we wish to be taken away at the same time, so that I never see my wife's grave

neu sim timulandus ab illa.'
and she does not have to bury me.'

vota fides sequitur: templi tutela fuere
Jupiter was as good as his word: they guarded the temple

donec vita data est; annis aevoque soluti
for as long as they lived, bent with age and passing years,

ante gradus sacros cum starent forte locique narrarent casus,
until one day when they happened to be standing, before the sacred steps and recalling the place's past.

frondere Philemona Baucis, Baucida conspexit senior frondere Philemon.
Then old Philemon saw Baucis - and she him - turning into trees.