Translate the following sentences into Latin.
Use the verb "donare"
1) I give you a book.
Tibi librum dono.
2) You give me a book.
Mihi donas librum.
3) He gives us books.
Donat nobis libros.
Use the verb "laudare"
4) They shall praise (future tense) you (plural).
Laudabunt vos.
5) You (singular) have praised (imperfect tense) them.
Eos laudabas.
6) We praised (perfect tense) you (singular).
Te laudavimus.
Use the verb "timere"
7) The kings used to fear (imperfect tense) nothing.
Reges nihil timebant.
8) Flies fear the eagle.
Moscae aquilam timent.
9) Buyers will fear dogs.
Emptores canes timebunt.