1) Write down the genitive form and gender of all the signs of the Zodiac.     
aries, -tis m. ram;
taurus, -i m. bull;
gemini -orum m. twins;
cancer -ri m. crab;
leo -onis m. lion;
virgo -inis f. virgin;
libra -ae f. scales;
scorpio -onis m. scorpion;
sagittarius -i m archer;
capricornus -i m. goat;
aquarius -i m. water carrier;
pisces -ium m. fishes;
2) Translate the following five sentences into Latin.     
From the east to the west there are laws. - Ex oriente usque ad occidentem leges sunt.    
Work does not please everyone. - Labor non omnibus placet.    
Result is the highest thing for all people. - Exitus suprema res omnibus populis est.    
Nothing wins healthy thoughts. - Nihil sanam cogitationem vincit.    
Eagles fly, therefore wolfs keep silent. - Aquilae volant, ergo lupi silent.