Quot hoc stat?
How much is this?
Non intellego.
I dont understand.
Lentius dic.
Please speak more slowly.
stilum tenes?
Have you a pen?
Ubi taberna est?
Where is the shop?
Ubi medicamentarius est?
Wher is the drug store?
Non fumo?
I dont smoke?
Non carnem edo.
I dont eat meat.
Quod tibi potare placeat?
What would you like to drink?
Non scio.
I dont know.
Mihi tua longivoce uti permitteas?
May I use your phone?
Ubi carrum locare possum?
Where can I hire a car?
Ubi machinarum statio est?
Where is the train station?
Ubi carrum ponere licet?
Where can I park the car?
Non fumare licet.
non-smoking, please.