
1) It was an (apparent, evident, obvious) remark to make.

2) It became (apparent, evident, obvious) that he was talented.

3) It was (apparent, evident, obvious) a storm was coming in.

4) She laughed for no (apparent, evident, obvious) reason.

5) She ate the biscuits with (apparent, evident, obvious) enjoyment.

6) Ministers met but (apparently, evidently, obviously) failed to make progress.

7) (Apparently, Evidently, Obviously), she thought differently.

8) The child nodded, (apparently, evidently, obviously) content with the promise.

9) Were they old friends? Answer: (Apparently, Evidently, Obviously).

10) Are they friends? Answer: (Apparently, Evidently, Obviously).

apparent: clearly visible or understood; seeming real or true, but not necessarily so;
apparently: (sentence adverb) as far as one knows or can see; used by speakers to avoid commiting themselves to the truth of what they are saying.

evident: clearly seen or understood; plain or obvious;
evidently: (sentence adverb) it is plain that; it would seem that;

obvious: easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent, indubitable

(The New Oxford Dictionary of English, Oxford University Press:1998)