qui quae quod [who, which, that]


陽類 陰類 中類
主格 qui quae quod
屬格 cuius cuius cuius
與格 cui cui cui
賓格 quem quam quod
奪格 quo qua quo
複數 陽類 陰類 中類
主格 qui quae quae
屬格 quorum quarum quorum
與格 quibus quibus quibus
賓格 quos quas quae
奪格 quibus quibus quibus

The gender and number of a relative pronoun are determined by its antecedent, the case, however, by its use in its own clause.
vir qui librum tibi dedit te laudavit. [The man who gave you the book praised you.]
vir cuius librum Caecilius tibi dedit te laudavit. [The man whose book Caecilius gave you prasied you.]
vir cui Caecilius librum dedit te laudavit. [The man to whom Caecilius gave the book praised you.]
femina quam laudas est docta. [The woman whom you are praising is talented.]
homo de quo dicebas est amicus carus. [The man about whom you were speaking is a dear friend.]


qui quae quod [what? which? what sort of?].

Its forms are identical to those of the relative pronoun, except that quis is occasionally substituted as the nominative singular of qui and quae.

qui venti cursum tibi dederunt? [Which winds gave you your course?]
cuius libri fuit Cicero auctor? [Of which gook was Cicero the author?]
cui amico librum dederunt? [To which friend did they give the book?]
quem librum tibi dedit? [Which book did he give you?]
quod praemium dedit? [What reward did he give?]