指示代詞 demonstrative pronoun

指示代詞 point to persons or things, indicating that they are 'here' or 'there' or that they have been previously mentioned. They can also be used as adjectives.

hic, haec, hoc [this, near me]

單數 陽類 陰類 中類
主格 hic haec hoc
屬格 huius huius huius
與格 huic huic huic
賓格 hunc hanc hoc
奪格 hoc hac hoc
主格 hi hae haec
屬格 horum harum horum
與格 his his his
賓格 hos has haec
奪格 his his his

ADJECTIVE: hic homo. [this person].
PRONOUN: Hic tamen vivit. [Yet this man still lives].