Many Pronouns, Pronominal Adjectives, and Adverbs have corresponding demonstrative, relative, interrogative, and indefinite forms. Such parallel forms are called Correlatives. They are shown in the following table:--

is qui quis? quisquis aliquis
that who who? whoever some one
tantus quantus quantus? quantuscumque aliquantus
so great how (as) great how great? however great some
talis qualis qualis? qualiscumque ----
such as of what sort? of whatever kind
ibi ubi ubi? ubiubi alicubi
there where where? wherever somewhere
eo quo quo? quoquo aliquo
thither whither whither? whithersoever (to) somewhere
ea qua qua? quaqua aliqua
that way which way which way? whithersoever somewhere
inde unde unde? undecumque alicunde
thence whence whence? whencesoever from somewhere
tum cum quando? quandocumque aliquando
then when when? whenever at some time
tot quot quot? quotquot alliquot
so many as how many? however many some, several
totiens quotiens quotiens? quotienscumque aliquotiens
so often as how often? however often at several times

Please Conf. Allen and Greenough Latin Grammar 152