1) Separation - away from:
natus Jove [born from Jupiter]
dominatione liberatus [freed from tyranny]

2) Comparison:
quid mollius unda? [what is softer than water?]

3) Locative/temporal ablative:
terra marique [on land and sea]
dextra [on the right]
tribus horis [in three hours]

4) The accompanying ablative:
description: vir magna virtute [a man (with) of great bravery]
manner: Summa (cum) celeritate venit.[He came with very great speed.]
circumstance: te duce vincemus [With you as leader, we shall win.]

5) Instrumental ablative:
agent: Ab his laudatur .[He is praised by these people.]
means: Saxis se defendunt. [They defend themselves with rocks.]
        Anguillam cauda teneo.[I'm trying to hold an eel by the tail. ]
cause: Amore periit. [He died (because) of love.]
measure: Tu multo altior es. [ You are much taller.]
price: Multo auro hance aulam emi. [I bought this pot at a price of much gold.]
respect: Vir pietate gravis. [A man serious in respect of his piety.]

6) Verbs followed by ablative case:
fungor [perform]
fruor [enjoy]
utor [use]
potior [take possession of]
vescor [eat]
dono [present]
abundo [abound in]
opus est [there is need]

7) Adjectives followed by ablative case:
fretus voce [relying on the voice]
plena gratia [full of grace]
dignus poena [worthy of punishment]

8) Preposition demanding ablative case:
a / ab / abs [from: Ab ovo usque ad mala.]
absque [without: absque argumento]
coram [in the presence of: coram rege.]
cum / con [with: cum laude; Omnia mea mecum porto.]
de [about: de jure; de nihilo nihil.]
e / ex [out of: ex libris; Ex oriente lux ex occidente lex.]
palam [in sight of: Palam populo rem solvit.]
prae [in front of: Prae lacrimis non loqui posse.]
pro [on behalf of: pro bono publico.]
procul [at a distance: procul dubio.]
simul [together: Simul his dictis faciem ostentabat.]
sine [without: sine qua non; Nulla regula sine exceptione.]
in [in: in absentia; Mens sana in corpore sano.]
[*in* with accusative means "into": In patriam redire. Ne bis in idem.]
sub [under: sub poena.]
[*sub* with accusative means "down into ": sub arborem accedere]
super [on: Super porta scriptum est.]
[*super* with accusative means "above": super omnia]

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SINGULAR Decl I Decl II Decl III Decl IV Decl V
Ablative -e
PLURAL Decl I Decl II Decl III Decl IV Decl V
Ablative -īs -īs -ibus -ibus -ēbus