【文本來源:雷蒙德•良•伯克樞機 (Raymond Leo Cardinal BURKE) - 我要永遠歌頌上主: 天主教聖樂簡史 pp.2-4】
The Purposes And Qualities Of Sacred Music
Without entering into the details of the discipline set forth in "Tra le sollecitudini", I note the two general principles set forth by the Roman Pontiff.
The first principle sets forth the purposes of sacred music, which cannot be an art in itself but rather must be true art at the specific service of the Sacred Liturgy. Pope Saint Pius X declares:
"Sacred music, being an integral part of the liturgy, is directed to the general object of the liturgy, namely, the glory of God and the sanctification and edification of the faithful. It helps to increase the beauty and splendor of the ceremonies of the Church, and since its chief duty is to clothe the liturgical text, which is presented to the understanding of the faithful, with suitable melody, its object is to make that text more efficacious, so that the faithful through this means may be the more roused to devotion, and better disposed to gather to themselves the fruits of grace which come from the celebration of the sacred mysteries."
In a clear manner, Pope Saint Pius X indicates what must always be, foremost, in the mind and heart of the artist who composes music for sacred worship, namely, giving glory to God and inspiring holiness in the faithful who desire to offer Him worship. It follows naturally that the musician who sets out to write sacred music must place himself, with all humility, at the service of the texts of the Sacred Liturgy. His music must be at the service of a deeper appropriation of the sacred texts and of the realities which they announce.
The second principle sets forth the qualities which necessarily mark sacred music, namely, holiness, beauty and universality. The Holy Father describes each quality. Holiness means that sacred music must "avoid everything that is secular, both in itself and in the way it is performed." In other words, the artist who writes music for the worship of God must purify both the musical score itself of anything which is not coherent with the holiness of God and the performance itself of anything which is foreign to the House of God.
Beauty means that sacred music "must be an art, since in no other way can it have on the mind of those who hear it that effect which the Church desires in using in her liturgy the art of sound." The particular demands of sacred music, in no way, indicate a form of musical art which is inferior or compromised, but rather a form of musical art elevated to the highest possible level, to the service of the privileged encounter of God with man through the Sacred Liturgy. The music employed in the worship of God must, therefore, strive to be the best music of the period.
Finally, the universality of sacred music demands that "although each country may use in its ecclesiastical music whatever special forms may belong to its own national style, these forms must be subject to the proper nature of sacred music, so that it may never produce a bad impression on the mind of any stranger who may hear it.?' While the music proper to a particular region may be able to offer something to the development of sacred music, it can only do so when it respects the distinct nature of sacred music and is marked by its necessary qualities of holiness, beauty and universality. Any particular form of sacred music must indeed easily find its place within the body of the universal Church's music for sacred worship.
[Source: Raymond Leo Cardinal BURKE - Aurelio Porfiri:Forever I Will Sing, A Short History of Catholic Sacred Music, pp.3-6]