波伊提烏 (Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius約480—524/526)

【文本來源:Donald Jay Grout_ Claude Victor Palisca- 西方音乐史-人民音乐出版社(2010)(第六版) 第25頁】
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (ca. 480-524/26) was the most revered and influential authority on music in the Middle Ages. His De institutione musica (The Fundamentals of Music), written in the first years of the sixth century when Boethius was a young man, is a compendium of music within the scheme of the quadrivium. Together with similar texts on geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy, it prepared students for further studies in philosophy. There is little that is original in the music treatise: Boethius compiled it from Greek sources that he had at hand, mainly a lengthy treatise by Nicomachus that has not survived, and the first book of Ptolemy's Harmonics. Although medieval readers may not have realized how much Boethius depended on other authors, they understood that his statements rested on Greek mathematics and music theory. They were not bothered by the contradictions in De institutione musica, in which the first three books were heavily Pythagorean, the fourth contained elements derived from Euclid and Aristoxenus, and the fifth, based on Ptolemy, was partly anti-Pythagorean. Most readers came away with the message that music was a science of numbers and that numerical ratios determined the melodic intervals, the consonances, the composition of scales, and the tuning of instruments and voices.
In what is the most original part of the book, the opening chapters, Boethius divides music into three kinds.
The first is musica mundana (cosmic music), the orderly numerical relations seen in the movements of the planets, the changing of the seasons, and the elements.
The second is musica humana, which controls the union of the body and soul and their parts.
Last is musica instrumentalis, audible music produced by instruments, including the human voice, which exemplifies the same principles of order, especially in the numerical ratios of musical intervals.
Boethius emphasized the influence of music on character and morals. As a consequence, music occupied an important place in the education of the young, both in its own right and as an introduction to more advanced philosophical studies. Boethius, who became a consul and minister to Theodoric, ruler of Italy, later wrote a philosophical treatise in poetic form, The Consolation of Philosophy, while imprisoned as a victim of political intrigue.
In placing musica instrumentalis — the art of music as we understand it now - in the third and presumably lowest category, Boethius showed that he and his mentors saw music as an object of knowledge. Music, he wrote, is the discipline of examining the diversity of high and low sounds by means of reason and the senses. Therefore, the true musician is not the singer or someone who makes up songs by instinct without understanding the nature of the medium, but the philosopher, the critic, "who exhibits the faculty of forming judgments according to speculation or reason relative and appropriate to music."
[Source: Donald Jay Grout_ Claude V. Palisca - A history of western music-6th Edition - Norton (2001) - 6th Edition, pp.27-29]