




龐保頤 (Aurelio Porfiri):我要永遠歌頌上主 - 天主教聖樂簡史 (張小蘭、蔡菁怡 譯) pp. 201-202

Issues (about Catholic Sacred Music)

Unfortunately, in our modern societies music education is not a priority, and this also has affected the education of priests. While in the past seminaries were also places where music making was of the greatest importance, now this is not so. Priests today are often not very well musically educated. Clericalism means the abuse of power by the priests, and we can see this at work when trying to impose incorrect musical repertoires on the liturgy because of their evident lack of knowledge of this discipline. The phenomenon of clericalism is certainly stronger in countries like Italy, where the Vatican is located,, but it is not absent elsewhere. Clericalism is also affected by anthropocentrism, the idea that man, and not God, is at the center.

In this way, in the liturey, peopleoften feel authorized to perform music that they "like," but that is indeed not well adapted for the liturgy itself because of its strong connection with worldly things. Because music education is often lacking in the proponents of this kind of music, they fall very easily into the traps of commercial music, completely unworthy of the dignity that should belong to music for the Church. One of the key elements of this unworthiness, and one of the most dangerous, is the use of sentimentalism, the attempt to get people's attention throughout the use of a low-level emotionality. That indeed is one of the best strategies used in commercial music, especially in the music addressed to society's lower class. It is a very cheap way to communicate a message, but in the absence of education and critical sense, it is very effective. All of this has become possible because of the strong opposition to professionalism in music and a promotion of amateurism.

In the past the Church chose the best musicians for herself: composers, singers, organists, instrumentalists and so on. For this reason she was also the mother of our musical culture, the so-called "Western music" that was born, as we have seen previously, within the Church, thanks to the liturgy of the Church. Now this very powerful cultural (and evangelizing) power has been destroyed because the music in the liturgy has been given into the hands of people, who perhaps have good will and good intentions but not the capacity to act as music ministers. All the abuses we considered eariler come from the fundamental rejection of tradition, an attitude that sees everything in the past as no longer relevant for life today. "New things," whatever they are, are considered always better than the things of the past. Of course this is a very incorrect idea about the past, about tradition, but is very well and alive still in our days.

Aurelio Porfiri: Forever I Will Sing - A Short History of Catholic Sacred Music, August 2019