on Husserl 論胡塞爾

The existential beliefs (in question) are not doubted, or negated, but rather suspended: no use may be made of them. For this exercise, Husserl borrows the Greek term epoche (which is used in ancient sceptical discussions to refer to 'suspension of judgement' and, outside philosophy, literally translates as 'check' or 'hindrance').


The epoche, according to Husserl, opens up the philosopher's proper domain of enquiry: his own 'pure consciousness', which remains available as an object of study even after all assumptions about the existence of the world and its contents have been bracketed. Like Descartes, Husserl regards the experience of one's own conscious states as indubitable: as Husserl often puts it, such experience provides evidence that is apodictic, whose falsity is inconceivable. Although I may doubt whether an experience accurately represents reality, I cannot doubt the experience as an appearance or 'phenomenon'.


Sarah Richmond - in the INTRODUCTION to "The Transcendence of the Ego" of Jean-Paul Sartre.