亞理斯多德 Aristotle: 修辭學 The Art Of Rhetoric
演講的流派 The Genres Of Oratory
第二章 修辭術的定義 The Definition Of Rhetoric
Rhetoric is considered to be capable of intuition of the persuasiveness of, so to speak, the given.
有的或然式證明不屬於藝術本身,有的或然式證明屬於藝術本身。 所謂“不屬於藝術本身的或然式證明”,指不是由我們提供的,而是現成的或然式證明,如見證、拷問、契約,所謂“屬於藝術本身的或然式證明”,指所有能由法則和我們的能力提供的或然式證明。
Now, among proofs some belong to the art and some do not. By those that do not I mean all that are not contrived by us but preexist, such as witnesses, tortures, depositions and such like. By those that do I mean all that can be established by us through the method. Of the two, we must exploit the former and invent the latter.
Of those proofs that are furnished through the speech there are three kinds.
Some reside in the character of the speaker[ethos 性格],
some in a certain disposition of the audience[pathos 心情] and
some in the speech itself[logos 演說本身],through its demonstrating or seeming to demonstrate.
Proofs from character are produced, whenever the speech is given in such a way as to render the speaker worthy of credence – we more readily and sooner believe reasonable men on all matters in general and absolutely on questions where precision is impossible and two views can be maintained. But this effect too must come about in the course of the speech, not through the speaker’s being believed in advance to be of a certain character. Unlike some experts, we do not exclude the speaker’s reasonable image from the art as contributing nothing to persuasiveness. On the contrary, character contains almost the strongest proof of all, so to speak.
Proofs from the disposition of the audience are produced whenever they are induced by the speech into an emotional state. We do not give judgement in the same way when aggrieved and when pleased, in sympathy and in revulsion. (It is this aspect alone that we are claiming excites the interest of contemporary experts.) There will be a clarification of each such proof, when we discuss the emotions.
Finally, proof is achieved by the speech, when we demonstrate either a real or an apparent persuasive aspect of each particular matter.
【文本來源 - 亞理斯多德: 修辭學 (羅念生譯),上海人民出版社,2005, Page 23-24
Aristotle: The Art Of Rhetoric, Translated With An Introduction And Notes By H. C. Lawson-Tancred,