安娜•弗洛伊德 : 自我與防禦機制
Anna Freud: The Ego And The Mechanisms Of Defence
第一部 分 防禦機制的理論
Part I Theory Of The Mechanisms Of Defense
第一章 自我作為觀察之地
Chapter 1 The Ego as the Seat of Observation
從《群體心理學和自我分析》和《超越快樂原則》開始,弗洛伊德的工作方向發生了 翻轉,從對自我不分析的狀況轉向了對自我機構(ego institutions)明顯地 關注。此後,分析研究工作方案可以不再用深度心理學的名義加以掩 蓋。我們通常這樣來界定: 分析的任務是獲得所有三個機構中盡可能深 遠的知識,以及它們之間的關係和它們與外部世界的知識,據此我們整體地理解精神人格的組成。這意味著自我涉及的範疇包括內容、程度、功能和與外部世界關聯的歷史,以及本我和超我。而本我涉及本能的描述、本我的內容和本能轉換的結果。p.4
When the writings of Freud, beginning with Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1921) and Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), took a fresh direction, the odium of analytic unorthodoxy no longer attached to the study of the ego and interest was definitely focused on the ego institutions. Since then the term "depth psychology" certainly does not cover the whole field of psychoanalytic research. At the present time we should probably define the task of analysis as follows: to acquire the fullest possible knowledge of all the three institutions of which we believe the psychic personality to be constituted and to learn what are their relations to one another and to the outside world. That is to say: in relation to the ego, to explore its contents, its boundaries, and its functions, and to trace the history of its dependence on the outside world, the id, and the superego; and, in relation to the id, to give an account of the instincts, i.e., of the id contents, and to follow them through the transformations which they undergo. p.16
The Id, The Ego, And The Superego In Self-Perception
我們都知道,這三種機構可以通過非常不同的觀察方式得以獲悉。關於本能更早的無意識 (Ucs)系統——的知識,依賴於我們後續對前意識(Pcs)和意識(Cs)的考察。當本能處在平靜和滿足的狀態時,本能衝動沒有動機為獲得快感而與自我遭遇,也不會在自我那裡產生壓力和不愉快。因此,我們也沒有機會獲取某些關於本能的內容。至少在理論上,本能不是在任何條件下都可以接近和觀察到的。p.4
We all know that the three psychic institutions vary greatly in their accessibility to observation. Our knowledge of the id - which was formerly called the system Ucs. - can be acquired only through the derivatives which make their way into the systems Pcs. and Cs. If within the id a state of calm and satisfaction prevails, so that there is no occasion for any instinctual impulse to invade the ego in search of gratification and there to produce feelings of tension and unpleasure, we can learn nothing of the id contents. It follows, at least theoretically, that the id is not under all conditions open to observation. p.16
而對於超我來講,情況就自然不同了。超我的內容在更大的程度上可以直接意識到,並能通過內在心靈的感知直接獲取。然而,超我表象的獲取還是不那麼容易的,因為自我和超我彼 此緊密黏著在一起。我們可以這樣說:自我和超我重合在一起,也就是說,超我作為單個機構,在這種狀態下,對於自我覺察和觀察者來說,是不可識別的。很清楚的是,超我對自我懷有敵意,至少是批評性的,其結果是緊隨其後出現在自我中的批評,如清晰可查的內疚感。p.4-5
The situation is, of course, different in the case of the superego. Its contents are for the most part conscious and so can be directly arrived at by endopsychic perception. Nevertheless, our picture of the superego always tends to become hazy when harmonious relations exist between it and the ego. We then say that the two coincide, i.e., at such moments the superego is not perceptible as a separate institution either to the subject himself or to an outside observer. Its outlines become clear only when it confronts the ego with hostility or at least with criticism. The superego, like the id, becomes perceptible in the state which it produces within the ego: for instance, when its criticism evokes a sense of guilt. p.17
The Ego As Observer
Now this means that the proper field for our observation is always the ego. It is, so to speak, the medium through which we try to get a picture of the other two institutions. p.17
觀察者的角色在於用比較好的方式,實現自我和本我和睦的邊界往來。個人的本能衝動總是不斷地從本我滲透到自我中; 在那裡,本我獲得了運動結構,借助於此,本我可以獲得它自身的滿足。在幸運的情況下,自我對闖入者沒有異議,並賦予它力量,同時謹慎地追蹤: 它記錄了本能衝動的衝擊,壓力的持續增高,並伴隨著不愉快的體驗,以及當滿足 實現時,壓力最終得以緩解。對整個過程 的觀察為我們提供了本能衝動、所屬力比多(libido)的量和本能目的清晰而非歪曲的畫面。而允許本能衝動 的自我在這一圖畫中絕不會得以描述。p.5
When the relations between the two neighboring powers - ego and idare peaceful, the former fulfills to admiration its role of observing the latter. Different instinctual impulses are perpetually forcing their way from the id into the ego, where they gain access to the motor apparatus, by means of which they obtain gratification. In favorable cases the ego does not object to the intruder but puts its own energies at the other's disposal and confines itself to perceiving; it notes the onset of the instinctual impulse, the heightening of tension and the feelings of unpleasure by which this is accompanied and, finally, the relief from tension when gratification is experienced. Observation of the whole process gives us a clear and undistorted picture of the instinctual impulse concerned, the quantity of libido with which it is cathected, and the aim which it pursues. The ego, if it assents to the impulse, does not enter into the picture at all.p.17
遺憾的是,本能衝動從一個機構逾越到另外一個機構時,將帶來所有可能的衝突,同時破壞本我的監察。當本我衝動以它的方式得以滿足時,它必須符合自我的底線。這樣,本我陷入了詭異的氣氛中。所謂的 “初級過程” 在本我中佔據了主導,表象不能通過整合相互地聯繫在一 起,情感是移動不定的,矛盾的兩面互不干擾或重合在一起,凝縮 (condensation)輕而易舉地產生了。慾望的達成作為最高原則統治 著整個過程。與此相反的景象是,自我中的表象相互的傳輸存在著嚴格的條件過程。這就是我們總結出來的,所謂的“次級過程”。在此種情況下,本能衝動不那麼容易獲得滿足。它們 被告知要考慮現實的要求,倫理和道德的法則,並以超我的准則規定自我的行為方式。本能衝動會陷入異 質機構挫敗它們的危險中,蒙受拒絕和批評,並被迫調整所有的形式,因為和睦的邊界往來已經結束。一方面,本能衝動以其自身的韌性和能量堅持它們的目標,著手入侵自我,並期望撼動和制服自我。另外一方面,自我對本我逐漸變 得不信任,並開始反制,將其驅趕回自己的區域。自我的目的在於 ,通過適當的防禦機制持久地使本我失去功能 ,這些防禦機制為了確保自我的邊界而產生出來。p.5-6
Unfortunately the passing of instinctual impulses from one institution to the other may be the signal for all manner of conflicts, with the inevitable result that observation of the id is interrupted. On their way to gratification the id impulses must pass through the territory of the ego and here they are in an alien atmosphere. In the id the so-called "primary process" prevails; there is no synthesis of ideas, affects are liable to displacement, opposites are not mutually exclusive and may even coincide, and condensation occurs as a matter of course. The sovereign principle which governs the psychic processes is that of obtaining pleasure. In the ego, on the contrary, the association of ideas is subject to strict conditions, to which we apply the comprehensive term "secondary process"; further, the instinctual impulses can no longer seek direct gratification-they are required to respect the demands of reality and, more than that, to conform to ethical and moral laws by which the superego seeks to control the behavior of the ego. Hence these impulses run the risk of incurring the displeasure of institutions essentially alien to them. They are exposed to criticism and rejection and have to submit to every kind of modification. Peaceful relations between the neighboring powers are at an end. The instinctual impulses continue to pursue their aims with their own peculiar tenacity and energy, and they make hostile incursions into the ego, in the hope of overthrowing it by a surprise attack. The ego on its side becomes suspicious; it proceeds to counterattack and to invade the territory of the id. Its purpose is to put the instincts permanently out of action by means of appropriate defensive measures, designed to secure its own boundaries. p.17
上面的圖景雖然不易理解,但具有深遠的價值,它們為我們提供了自我在這一過程 中監察活動的概況。這些圖景向我們展示了某個時刻兩個機構的活動狀況。至此 ,我們能看到的不再是未成形的本我衝動,而是被自我的防禦機制修整過的本我衝動。現在 ,分析的觀察者面前的任務是將上述的狀況,以及兩個機構之間的妥協 進行調解,並再次辨認哪些部分是屬於本我的,哪些是屬於自我的(或許也是超我的)。p.6
The picture of these processes transmitted to us by means of the ego's faculty of observation is more confused but at the same time much more valuable. It shows us two psychic institutions in action at one and the same moment. No longer do we see an undistorted id impulse but an id impulse modified by some defensive measure on the part of the ego. The task of the analytic observer is to split up the picture, representing as it does a compromise between the separate institutions, into its component parts: the id, the ego, and, it may be, the superego. p.17
Inroads By The Id And By The Ego Considered As Material For Observation
在這裡我們注意到,從不同觀察角度來看,兩個方向上的推力有著非常不同的價值。所有自我針對本我的防禦行為都是默然無聲和悄然無形的。我們總是可以事後重構,但從未真正捕捉到。例如,成功的壓抑就是明證。自我對自己一無所知,人們只有當缺失出現時,才開始確信真。也就是說,關於個體客觀地評估缺少明證性。人們只能期待本能衝動為了獲得滿足而出現在自我中。如果它一直未出現,人們別無選擇,只能認為,本我衝動進 入自我的通道持續關閉著。也就是說,本能已屈服於壓抑。在壓抑的過程中,我們不會有更進一步的發現。p.6-7
In all this we are struck by the fact that the inroads from the one side and from the other are by no means equally valuable from the point of view of observation. All the defensive measures of the ego against the id are carried out silently and invisibly. The most that we can ever do is to reconstruct them in retrospect: we can never really witness them in operation. This statement applies, for instance, to successful repression. The ego knows nothing of it; we are aware of it only subsequently, when it becomes apparent that something is missing. I mean by this that, when we try to form an objective judgment about a particular individual, we realize that certain id impulses are absent which we should expect to make their appearance in the ego in pursuit of gratification. If they never emerge at all, we can only assume that access to the ego is permanently denied to them, i.e., that they have succumbed to repression. But this tells us nothing of the process of repression itself. p.19
成功的反向形成(reaction formation)也同樣如此,它作為最重要的措 施之一,持續地對抗本我來保護自我。看起來,防禦機制在兒童發展的 某個時刻不經意間出現在自我中。人們不能總是說,具有反抗性的本能衝動事先就存在於自我注意力的中心點上。自我通常不知曉內在的拒斥和整個的衝突,而這些拒斥和衝突導致了新的特質產生。如果沒有充分的針對它們反應性的明示,以及背後隱藏著先前衝突確定性的指徵,那麼在分析的觀察中,人們將把防禦機制視為自我的一種自發延伸。不管怎樣,對這些防禦形式的觀察不會重復預測到防禦產生的過程。p.7
The same is true of successful reaction formation, which is one of the most important measures adopted by the ego as a permanent protection against the id. Such formations appear almost unheralded in the ego in the course of a child's development. We cannot always say that the ego's attention had previously been focused on the particular contrary instinctual impulse which the reaction formation replaces. As a rule, the ego knows nothing of the rejection of the impulse or of the whole conflict which has resulted in the implanting of the new characteristic. Analytic observers might easily take it for a spontaneous development of the ego, were it not that definite indications of obsessional exaggeration suggest that it is of the nature of a reaction and that it conceals a long-standing conflict. Here again, observation of the particular mode of defense does not reveal anything of the process by which it has been evolved.p.19
我們注意到,在對推力的研究中,我們總是可以從另外一個層面(即從本我到自我層面)得出所有重要的結論。成功的壓抑有多不透明,伴隨壓抑之物逆行和回歸的壓抑過程就有多不透明,就如我們在神經症中觀察到的情形一樣。在這裡,我們可以追溯本能衝動和自我防禦之間衝突的每一個階段。類似地,當反向形成逐漸分解時,也是最容易研究反 向形成過程的時機。在這裡,本我推力存在於原始本能衝動的力比多投注中,這些衝動被反向形成掩蓋,並加以強化。這樣,本能衝動被推向了意識。很快,本能衝動和反向形成同時可以在自我中看到。另外,自我的綜合能力努力將分析性觀察中非常有益的狀態停留更長的時間。然後,本我衍生物 (derivative) 和自我活動之間產生了新的戰爭,並決定: 誰佔上風? 相互之間要達成什麼樣的妥協? 如果從自我產生的防禦通過提高佔據的能量而獲得了勝利,那麼本我的推力就會停止,那些不能觀察到的內心潛伏狀態將再次出現。p.7-8
We note that all the important information which we have acquired has been arrived at by the study of inroads from the opposite side, namely, from the id to the ego. The obscurity of a successful repression is only equalled by the transparency of the repressive process when the movement is reversed, i.e., when the repressed material returns, as may be observed in neurosis. Here we can trace every stage in the conflict between the instinctual impulse and the ego's defense. Similarly, reaction formation can best be studied when such formations are in the process of disintegration. In such a case the id's inroad takes the form of a reinforcement of the libidinal cathexis of the primitive instinctual impulse which the reaction formation concealed. This enables the impulse to force its way into consciousness, and, for a time, instinctual impulse and reaction formation are visible within the ego side by side. Owing to another function of the ego its tendency to synthesis this condition of affairs, which is particularly favorable for analytic observation, lasts only for a few moments at a time. Then a fresh conflict arises between id derivative and ego activity, a conflict to decide which of the two is to keep the upper hand or what compromise they will adopt. If through reinforcement of its energic cathexis the defense set up by the ego is successful, the invading force from the id is routed and peace reigns once more in the psychea situation most unfruitful for our observations.p.19
自我与防御机制/(奥)安娜•弗洛伊德著:吴江译,一上海: 华东师范大学出版社,2018