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        ¸ô©ö¤C¥@ªº²Ä¤@¥ô©d¤l¬O¦ã§Q¿Õ¡]Eleanor of Aquitaine¡^¡A¥L­Ì©ó1137¦~µ²±B¡C¸ô©ö¤»¥@¦w±Æ³o¬q±B«Ã¡A¦]¨ä¨à¤l¥i±q¤¤±o¨ì¦ã§Q¿Õªº¶ù§© ¡X ¨È«¶¤¦«Ê¦a¤Î·í¦aªº«Ê¦Ú¡C[8]¥Ñ¦¹¥i¨£¡A³o¬q±B«Ã§¹¥þ¬O«Ø°ò©ó¬Fªv¤Î¸gÀÙªº¦Ò¼{¡A¦Ó­Ó¤Hªº¦]¯À¨Ã¤£­«­n¡CÁöµM¸ô©ö¤C¥@¤£·Q©ñ±ó©v±Ð¥Í¬¡¡A¦ý¥L¤´­n¶¶ªA©ó¤÷¿Ë[9]¡A¥H¤ý´Âªº§Q¯q¬°­«¡C


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¡§Within a fortnight, Louis announced his intention to take a third wife, Adˆole of

Blois-Champagne¡KChroniclers reflect the prevailing view that the monarch should take another wife for his own well-being, and to father a much needed son¡¨[11]


­Y°Ñ¦Ò¾É­×¸ê®Æ¡A¥i¨£Constance of Brittany ¼g«Hµ¹¸ô©ö¤C¥@¤§®É¡A¥¿­È¸ô©ö¤C¥@¥´ºâ°ù²Ä¤T¥ô©d¤l¡C[12]¥Ñ¦¹ÃÒ©ú¡A·í®É¸ô©ö¤C¥@¤Q¤À¾á¤ß©ÓÄ~°ÝÃD¡A¤~«æ©óµ²±B¡C




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Primary Sources


1.          Medieval Sourcebook: Constance of Brittany and Gerald of Wales on Louis VII of France.


Secondary Sources


2.          Ffiona Swabey, Eleanor of Aquitaine, courtly love, and the troubadours, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2004.


3.          D.D.R. Owen., Eleanor of Aquitaine : queen and legend ,Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell, 1993.


4.          Alison Weir., Eleanor of Aquitaine : by the wrath of God, Queen of England ,London: Jonathan Cape, 1999.


5.          Amy Kelly, Eleanor of Aquitaine and the four kings, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978.


Articles from Journal


6.          Diggelmann, L., Marriage as Tactical Response: Henry II and the Royal Wedding of 1160 (English Historical Review 119, 483, 2004)


7.          ¥Û¼w¤~¡A·í¥N°ê¤º¥~¾ÇªÌ¹ï¼Ú¬w¤¤¥@¬ö±B«Ã°ÝÃDªº¬ã¨s (¥v¾Ç²z½×¬ã¨s, 2003¦~01´Á)

[1] Alison Weir., Eleanor of Aquitaine : by the wrath of God, Queen of England (London : Jonathan Cape, 1999), pp. 23-24.

[2] D.D.R. Owen., Eleanor of Aquitaine : queen and legend (Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell, 1993),p.14.

[3] Medieval Sourcebook: Constance of Brittany and Gerald of Wales on Louis VII of France, p.1-2.

[4] Ffiona Swabey, Eleanor of Aquitaine, courtly love, and the troubadours (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2004),pp.32-33.

[5] Alison Weir., Eleanor of Aquitaine : by the wrath of God, Queen of England (London : Jonathan Cape, 1999), p.24.

[6] Medieval Sourcebook: Constance of Brittany and Gerald of Wales on Louis VII of France, p.2.

[7] ¥Û¼w¤~¡A·í¥N°ê¤º¥~¾ÇªÌ¹ï¼Ú¬w¤¤¥@¬ö±B«Ã°ÝÃDªº¬ã¨s (¥v¾Ç²z½×¬ã¨s, 2003¦~01´Á), ­¶107¡C

[8] Ffiona Swabey, Eleanor of Aquitaine, courtly love, and the troubadours (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2004),pp.32-33.

[9] Alison Weir., Eleanor of Aquitaine : by the wrath of God, Queen of England (London : Jonathan Cape, 1999), p.25.

[10] Amy Kelly, Eleanor of Aquitaine and the four kings (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978), pp.110-111.

[11] Diggelmann, L., Marriage as Tactical Response: Henry II and the Royal Wedding of 1160 (English Historical Review 119, 483, 2004), pp. 957-962.

[12] Medieval Sourcebook: Constance of Brittany and Gerald of Wales on Louis VII of France, p.1.

[13] Alison Weir., Eleanor of Aquitaine : by the wrath of God, Queen of England (London : Jonathan Cape, 1999), p.31.

[14] D.D.R. Owen., Eleanor of Aquitaine : queen and legend (Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell, 1993),pp.28-29.

[15] Alison Weir., Eleanor of Aquitaine : by the wrath of God, Queen of England (London : Jonathan Cape, 1999), p.32.

[16] Ibid., 72, 77.

[17] D.D.R. Owen., Eleanor of Aquitaine : queen and legend (Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell, 1993),p.29.