Merovingian |
447-458 Merovich
458-482 Childeric I
482-511 Clovis I
511-558 Childebert I
558-562 Clothaire I
562-566 Caribert
566-584 Chilperic
584-628 Clothaire II
628-637 Dagobert I
637-655 Clovis II
655-668 Clothaire III
668-674 Childeric II
674-691 Thierry III
691-695 Clovis III
695-711 Childebert II
711-716 Dagobert III
716-721 Chilperic II
721-737 Thierry IV
743-751 Childeric III |
Carolingian |
751-768 Pepin the Short
768-814 Charlemagne
- also the Holy Roman Emperor for 800 to 814 AD though not
specifically emperor of France or the Franks.
814-840 Louis I, the Debonaire
840-877 Charles I, the Bald
877-879 Louis II, the Stammerer
879-882 Louis III
882-884 Carloman
884-888 Charles II, the Fat
888-898 Odo, count of Paris
898-929 Charles III, the Simple
936-954 Louis IV, the Foreigner
954-986 Lothaire
986-987 Louis V |
Capetian |
987- 996 Hugh Capet
996-1031 Robert II, the Pious
1031-1060 Henry I
1060-1108 Philip I
1108-1137 Louis VI, the Fat
1137-1180 Louis VII
1180-1223 Philip II, Augustus
1223-1226 Louis VIII, the Lion
1226-1270 Louis IX, Saint-Louis
1270-1285 Philip III, the Bold
1285-1314 Philip IV, the Fair
1314-1316 Louis X
1316-1322 Philip V, the Tall
1322-1328 Charles IV, the Fair |
Valois |
1328-1350 Philip VI
1350-1364 John II, the Good
1364-1380 Charles V, the Wise
1380-1422 Charles VI, the Fool
1422-1461 Charles VII, the Victorious
1461-1483 Louis XI, the Spider
1483-1498 Charles VIII
1498-1515 Louis XII, Father of his People
1515-1547 François I
1547-1559 Henry II
1559-1560 François II
1560-1574 Charles IX
1574-1589 Henry III |
Bourbon |
1589-1610 Henry IV
1610-1643 Louis XIII
1643-1715 Louis XIV, the Sun King
1715-1774 Louis XV
1774-1793 Louis XVI
1814-1824 Louis XVIII
1824-1830 Charles X; went into exile in 1830 |
Orleans |
1830-1848 Louis-Philippe |
Emperors |
1804-1815 Napoleon I
1852-1870 Napoleon III |