Cineforum (23th
September Evening)
聖女貞德 The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc 上映日期:1999年
蜜拉喬娃維琪(Milla Jovovich)【第五元素】 約翰馬可維奇(John Malkovich)【空中監獄】 達斯汀霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman) 費唐娜維(Faye Dunaway) 劇本見: 電影播放日期:9月23日(星期六)時間:下午4時30分至7時(片長:157 min.分鐘) 電影播放地點:崇基學院陳國本樓(CKB)UG05課室 網上電子圖書(可在圖書館中閱讀) Electronic
resource (Online access from NetLibrary) Deborah A. Fraioli, Joan of
Arc: the early debate ,( Woodbridge,
Suffolk, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2000)[ Online Resources DC104 .F73 2000eb
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wars of Edward III: sources and interpretations,( Woodbridge, UK ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 1999)[
Online Resources DA233 .W287 1999eb] Anne Curry & Michael Hughes,
eds., Arms, armies, and fortifications in the Hundred Years War,( Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK : Boydell Press, 1994)[ Online
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(Jul., 1956), pp. 463-477 . Benedicta J. H. Rowe,
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The Journal of Economic History , Vol. 53, No. 1 (Mar.,
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Jr., ÒFinancing the
Hundred Years' War: Royal Taxation in France in 1340Ó, Speculum , Vol. 42, No. 2 (Apr.,
1967), pp. 275-298 Roy F. Nichols,
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Later: Perspectives on the Civil WarÓ, The Journal of Southern History , Vol. 33, No. 2 (May,
1967), pp. 153-162 Clifford J. Rogers,
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Revolutions of the Hundred Years' WarÓ, The Journal of Military History , Vol. 57, No. 2 (Apr.,
1993), pp. 241-278 K. B. McFarlane,
ÒWar, the Economy
and Social Change: England and the Hundred Years WarÓ, Past and Present , No. 22 (Jul., 1962), pp.
3-18 Alfred Larson,
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during the Hundred Years' WarÓ, The English Historical Review , Vol. 55, No. 219 (Jul.,
1940), pp. 423-431 J. W. Sherborne,
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War. The English Navy: Shipping and Manpower 1369- 1389Ó, Past and Present , No. 37 (Jul., 1967), pp.
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ÒSome Social
Consequences of the Hundred Years' WarÓ, The Economic History Review , Vol. 12, No. 1/2 (1942),
pp. 1-12 網上論文(可在圖書館中閱讀):聖女貞德 H. Ansgar Kelly,
ÒThe Right to Remain Silent: Before and After Joan of ArcÓ, Speculum , Vol. 68, No. 4
(Oct., 1993), pp. 992-1026 Martha Hanna,
ÒIconology and
Ideology: Images of Joan of Arc in the Idiom of the Action Francaise, 1908-1931Ó,
French Historical Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2
(Autumn, 1985), pp. 215-239 Eric Jennings,
Jeanne': The Iconology of Joan of Arc in Vichy Schoolbooks, 1940-44
Ó, Journal of Contemporary History , Vol. 29, No. 4
(Oct., 1994), pp. 711-734 圖書館藏書:百年戰爭 Edouard Perroy; With an introd..
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