Shylock sued Antonio in the Court of the Duke of Venice. The Court had just assembled when a messenger came to announce the arrival of a young judge, Balthasar. (Crowd) No! No! (Duke) Silence! Silence! (Crowd quietens) (Duke) This letter does commend a young and learned doctor to our court. Well, where is he? (messenger) He attendeth here hard by to know your answer, whether you'll admit him. (Duke) Go, give him courteous conduct to this place. Meantime, the court shall hear Bellario's letter. "Your grace shall understand that at the receipt of your letter, I am very sick but in the instant your messenger came there was with me a young doctor of Rome whose name is Balthasar. He comes at my asking to take my place. I beseech you, let his lack of years be no impediment, for I never knew so young a body with so old a head. I leave him to your gracious acceptance. " You heard Bellario, what he writes. Oh, and here, I take it, is the doctor come. You are welcome. Take your place. Are you acquainted with the difference that holds this present question in the court? (Balthasar) I am informed thoroughly of the case. Which is the merchant here and which the Jew? (Duke) Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth. (Balthasar) Is your name Shylock? (Shylock) Shylock is my name. (Balthasar) Of a strange nature is the suit you follow, yet in such rule that the Venetian law cannot deny you as you do proceed. You stand within his power, do you not? (Antonio) Ay, so he says. (Balthasar) Do you confess the bond? (Antonio) I do. (Balthasar) Then must the Jew be merciful. (Shylock) On what compulsion must I? Tell me that. (Balthasar) The quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed - it blesseth him that gives and him that takes. 'Tis mightiest in the mighty. It becomes the throned monarch better than his crown. His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings. But mercy is above this sceptred sway. It is enthroned in the heart of kings. It is an attribute to God himself and earthly power doth then show likest God's when mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew, though justice be your plea, consider this. That in the course of justice, none of us should see salvation. We do pray for mercy and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much to mitigate the justice of your plea, which if you follow this strict course of Venice must needs give sentence against the merchant there. (Shylock) My deeds upon my head. I crave the law, the penalty and forfeit of my bond. (Balthasar) Is he not able to discharge the money? (Bassanio) Yes, here I tender it for him in court, yea, twice the sum. If that is not enough, I will be bound to pay it ten times o'er on forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart! If this is not enough it must appear that malice bears down on truth. I beseech you, wrest once the law to your authority - to do a great right, do a little wrong and curb this cruel devil of his will. (Balthasar) It must not be. There is no power in Venice can alter a decree established. 'Twill be recorded for a precedent and many an error of the same example will rush into the state. It cannot be. (Shylock) A Daniel come to judgment. Yea, a Daniel. O wise young judge, how I do honour you. (Balthasar) I pray you, let me look upon the bond. (Shylock) Most reverend doctor, here it is. (Balthasar) Shylock, there is twice the money offered you. (Shylock) An oath, an oath. I have an oath in heaven. Shall I lay perjury upon my soul? No. Not for Venice. (Balthasar) Why, this bond is forfeit and lawfully at this time the Jew may claim a pound of flesh to be by him cut off nearest the merchant's heart. Be merciful. Take twice your money, bid me tear the bond. (Shylock) When it is paid, according to the terms. (Antonio) Most heartily I do beseech the court to give the judgment. [Whispering] (Balthasar) Then thus it is. You must prepare your bosom for his knife. (Shylock) O noble judge, excellent young man. (Balthasar) For the intent and purpose of the law has full relation to the penalty which here appeareth due upon the bond. (Shylock) 'Tis very true, O wise and upright judge. How much more elder are you than you look. (Balthasar) Therefore, lay bare your bosom. (Shylock) Ay, his breast. So says the bond, does it not, noble judge? Nearest the heart. Those are the very words. (Balthasar) It is so. Are there balances here to weigh the flesh? (Shylock) I have them here. (Crowd gasp) (Knife unsheathing) (Balthasar) Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge to stop his wounds lest he should bleed to death. (Shylock) Is it so nominated in the bond? (Balthasar) It is not so expressed but what of that? 'Twere good you do so much for charity. (Shylock) I cannot find it. 'Tis not in the bond. (Balthasar) You, merchant, have you anything to say? (Antonio) But little. I am armed and well prepared. Give me your hand, Bassanio. Fare thee well. Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you. For herein doth Fortune show herself more kind than is her custom. Commend me to thy honourable wife. Tell her the process of Antonio's end. Say how I loved you, speak me fair in death. And when the tale is told, bid her be judge whether Bassanio had not once a love. Repent but you that you shall lose your friend and you repent not that he pays your debt. For if the Jew do cut but deep enough I'll pay it instantly with all my heart. (Bassanio) Antonio, I am married to a wife which is as dear to me as life itself. But life itself, my wife and all the world are not with me esteemed above your life. I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all, here to this devil to deliver you. (Gratiano) I have a wife, whom, I protest, I love - I would she were in heaven, so she could entreat some power to change this cursed Jew! (Shylock) I have a daughter! Would that any of the stock of Barrabas been her husband rather than a Christian. We trifle time. I pray you, pursue sentence. (Duke) You may proceed. (Balthasar) A pound of that same merchant's flesh is yours. The court awards it and the law does give it. (Shylock) Most rightful judge. (Balthasar) And you must cut this flesh from off his breast. The court awards it and the law allows it. (Shylock) Most learned judge. A sentence. Come. Prepare. (Shylock Prays) (Balthasar) Tarry a little! (Shylock) Aah! (Balthasar) There is something else. This bond does give you here no drop of blood. The words expressly are a pound of flesh. Take then your bond, take then your pound of flesh, but in the cutting of it, if you do shed one drop of Christian blood, your lands and goods are by the laws of Venice confiscate unto the state of Venice. (Gratiano) O upright judge! Mark, Jew. Learned judge! (Shylock) Is that the law? (Balthasar) Yourself shall see the act. For as you urge on justice, be assured you shall have justice more than you desire. (Shylock) Well. I take the offer, then. Pay the bond twice and let the Christian go. (Bassanio) Here is the money. (Balthasar) Soft. The Jew shall have all justice. No haste. He shall have nothing but the penalty. (Crowd murmurs) (Balthasar) Therefore, prepare you to cut off the flesh. Shed then no blood nor cut you less nor more but just a pound of flesh. If you take more or less than a just pound be it but so much as makes it light or heavy in the substance or division of the twentieth part of one poor scruple, nay, if the scale do turn but in the estimation of a hair, you die and all your goods are confiscate. (Gratiano) A second Daniel! - (Laughter) Now, infidel, I have you on the hip! (Balthasar) Why does the Jew pause? (Shylock) Shall I not have even my principal? (Balthasar) You shall have nothing but your forfeiture, to be so taken at your peril, Jew. (Shylock) Why, then the devil give him good of it. I'll stay no longer question. (Balthasar) Tarry, Jew. The law has yet another hold on you. It is enacted in the laws of Venice, if it be proved against an alien that by direct or indirect attempts he seek the life of any citizen, the party 'gainst which he does contrive shall seize one half of his goods. The other half comes to the privy coffer of the state and the offender's life lies in the mercy of the Duke only, 'gainst all other voice. In which predicament, I say you stand. Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke. (Gratiano) Beg that you may have leave to hang yourself. (Duke) That you shall see the difference in our spirit, I pardon you your life before you ask it. For half your wealth, it is Antonio's, the other half shall come to the general state. (Shylock) Nay, take my life and all - pardon not that. You take my house when you take the prop that doth sustain my house. You take my life when you take the means whereby I live. (Balthasar) What mercy can you render him, Antonio? (Gratiano) A halter gratis, nothing else, for God's sake. (Antonio) So please my lord the Duke and all the court forego the fine of one half of his goods. I am content so he will let me use the other half, in trust, relinquish it upon his death unto the gentleman that lately stole his daughter. One thing provided more, that, for this favour, he shall presently become a Christian. (Shylock contained, sobbing) (Duke) He shall do this or else I do recant the pardon I late pronounced here. (Balthasar) Are you contented, Jew? What do you say? (Shylock) Oh... I am contented. (Duke) Clerk, prepare a deed of gift. (Shylock) I pray you, give me leave to go from hence. I... I am not well. I will... Send a deed after me and I will sign it. (Duke) Get you gone, then, but do it. Court dismissed. (Sighs) Read an article by Rick Laws on Conflicts of Law and Equity in The Merchant of Venice The entire dialogue transcript |