The Age of the Cathedrals Lyric: Luc Plamondon, Music:Richard Cocciante - 1998. duration: 3"20' The Age of the Cathedrals This is story that takes place in fair A tale of love and desire 這個故事發生於美麗的巴黎 時值一四八二年 敘述愛與慾望的故事 We the artists of stature unknown. In sculpture and verse Will attempt to transcribe This story for you and posterity 我們這些無名藝術家 運用意象和詩韻 試著賦予它生命 獻給各位及未來的世紀 The time of the cathedrals has come As the world is entering A new millennium Man reached for the stars To write his story In glass and stone 大教堂撐起這信仰的時代 世界進入了一個新的紀元 人類企圖攀及星星的高度 鏤刻下自己的事蹟 在彩色玻璃或石塊上 Brick by brick, day after day Century after century, with love He saw the raising of towers That he built with his hands 一磚一石 日復一日, 一世紀接一世紀, 愛從未消逝 人類眼看親手造的塔越升越高 Poets and minstrels Sang songs of love That promised better times For all of mankind 詩人和吟遊歌手唱著愛曲情歌 許諾要帶給所有人類 一個更好的明天 The time of the cathedrals has come As the world enters A new millennium Man reached for the stars To write his story In glass and stone 大教堂撐起這信仰的時代 世界進入了一個新的紀元 人類企圖攀及星星的高度 鏤刻下自己的事蹟 在彩色玻璃或石塊上 The time of the cathedrals has come As the world enters A new millennium Man reached for the stars To write his story In glass and stone 大教堂撐起這信仰的時代 世界進入了一個新的紀元 人類企圖攀及星星的高度 鏤刻下自己的事蹟 在彩色玻璃或石塊上 The time of the cathedrals is gone Hordes of barbarians storm the city gates Let them in, the pagans and vandals The end of this world Is predicted for the year 2000 信仰的時代已成雲煙 一群群野蠻人菌集在各城門 異教徒和破壞者紛紛湧進 世界臨近末日 預言了西元兩千年的今日 |