- 1889 -
Time pillar
Project schedule
List of participants
List of potential contact persons for oral history
First meeting: 5 May, 2014 (Monday) Catholic Diocese Centre, 19:00-20:00
Second meeting: 12 July, 2014 (Saturday) St. Francis' Canossian School, 14:00-17:00
Third meeting: 11th September, 2014 (Thursday) Catholic Diocese Centre, 19:00-20:30
Fourth meeting: 6th November, 2014 (Thursday) Catholic Diocese Centre, 19:15-20:30
Round table discussion (.pdf / .doc)Reference material:
* Material from public sources
Maps: 1859, 1866, 1889 - prepared by the Catholic Diocesan Archives
Maps (1872, 1873, 1874) and directories (1873, 1874) - prepared by Bibiana Wong
Streets in the Wanchai area in the 19th century - prepared by the Catholic Diocesan Archives
Queen's Road East in the 19th century - prepared by the Catholic Diocesan Archives
Wanchai Road in the 19th century - prepared by the Catholic Diocesan Archives
Wanchai coastline 1842-1997
Wanchai coastline 1997-1842
Re-numbering of Houses 1883, 1887 - prepared by Bibiana Wong
Charitable institutions in Hong Kong, 1868 - Louis Ha
Charitable and Literary Institutions 1879, 1989 - prepared by Bibiana Wong
Deaths in Convents, Italian and French 1887 - prepared by Bibiana Wong
Ecclesiasical Return 1873, 1880, 1894, 1899 - prepared by Bibiana Wong
Education 1871, 1899 - prepared by Bibiana Wong
Education Annual Report for 1881 (20-21) - prepared by Bibiana Wong
Religious Institutions 1871, 1875, 1886, 1890, 1899 - prepared by Bibiana Wong
* Material from private sources
Finance of the HK Catholic Mission in the 19th century - Louis Ha
List of probable properties used by the Mission in the Wanchai area in the 19th century - prepared by the Catholic Diocesan Archives
People in need in the 19th century HK - Louis Ha
1841-1899 灣仔地方發展 - 梁敏儀、潘美美整理
Society of St. Vincent de Paul - provided by Dominic K.M. Cheung
Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Church - Ayako FUKUSHIMA and Yoshitake DOI
The Soundless World of Ms Tang - Ming Pao, 2014/08/20.
* Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres
The Orphanage run by the Sisters of St Paul of Chartres - prepared by Fr. Patrick Taveirne
In the Footsteps of St Paul 1848-1998 - prepared by Sr. Josefina
In the Footsteps of St Paul 1848-1998 (Chinese) - translated by Sr. Lily Fung
St Paul de Chartres Sisters 1848-1998 - prepared by Sr. Josefina
Photos of Sisters of St Paul de Chartres - prepared by Sr. Josefina
RAS on Wanchai - prepared by Mak K.Y., A.H. Mackreth, Brian Liu and Helga Werle, 1974.
Wanchai with photos and maps - prepared by Sr. Josefina
* Canossian Sisters of Charity
St. Francis Canossian School - pamphlet of School History Gallery
* Useful information
Dispatches Respecting Restrictions Laid Upon the Chinese Merchants of Hong Kong, British Parliamentary Papers, China Volume 25 (1881) (Pig license, 1872, 1874) - prepared by Emily Cheung
送病孩入嬰堂函式 (莫文暢:唐字調音英語, 1905) Sample letter requesting entrance to the French/Italian orphanges - prepared by Emily Cheung
Report of the Technical Committee for the Reorganization and Improvement of Existing Official Hospital and Clinical Facilities ofthe Colony of Hong Kong(1938-1939) - Appendix on Private Hospitals - prepared by Emily Cheung
聖保祿法國醫院、意大利嬰堂醫院:規條價目 (港僑須知) - prepared by Emily Cheung
Baptism records statistics (1878-1899) - prepared by Teresa Cheung
Baptism records (1878 Jan-Feb) - prepared by Teresa Cheung
Participants' Interaction
contact person: Ms Teenie Or - 3943 4277
Centre for Catholic Studies, CUHK
email: catholic@cuhk.edu.hk