Prague - Jan Hus (1369 – 1415)

Emperor Charles IV, as King of the Romans and King of Bohemia, kneeling in front of St. Wenceslas, the patron saint of Bohemia. It is surrounded by the inscription, "Sigillum Universitatis Scolarium Studii Pragensis" (Seal of the Prague academia).

Carolinum, the center of Charles university.

Jan Hus Memorial at the Old Town Square of Prague in the Czech Republic.
Inscriptions: “Love each other and wish the truth to everyone” (Jan Hus´s words), “Live, nation sacred in God, don´t die”, “I believe, that the anger thunders will cease and that the government of your affairs will return to your hands, Czech folk” and “Who are the warriors of God and his law” (words from the anthem of the Hussite warriors).