Recommended by members for future visits in Mauritius:

Fort Adelaide

Pamplemousses Garden

Le Val Nature Park

Ile aux Aigrettes Nature Reserve

Blue Bay Marine Park

Dolphin Watching

Trou aux Cerfs - the volcano crater in Curepipe

Domaine de L'Ylang Ylang - Essential oils, Massage oils and Aromatherapy

Knowledge about trees, flora, medicinal plants:
You can see almost all the following botanical species in the Pamplemousses Garden


貝殼杉屬(拉丁語:Agathis; 毛利語:Kauri)是南洋杉科下的一個屬,主要物種有貝殼杉等。

波羅蜜(學名:Artocarpus heterophyllus),jackfruit 一般被稱為大樹菠蘿

紅千層屬(學名:Callistemon)bottle brush 是桃金娘科下的一個屬,為喬木或灌木植物。

依蘭(學名:Cananga odorata)是番荔枝科依蘭屬的植物

長山核桃(學名:Carya illinoinensis),Pecan 屬胡桃科的一種植物。又名「美國山核桃」、「薄殼山核桃」、「碧根果」等。

樟腦 camphor

桂皮又稱肉桂、月桂、官桂或香桂,為樟科植物天竺桂、陰香、細葉香桂、肉桂或川桂等樹皮的通稱。 cinnamon



蘆薈(學名:Aloe vera)




葡萄柚(學名:Citrus × paradisi)grapefruit

柚木(學名 Verbenaceae Tectona grandis L.f)Teak 又名胭脂樹,是一種闊葉喬木,屬於唇形科(或是馬鞭草科)柚木屬的植物。

黒檀, 黒木 Ebony

榕亞屬(學名 Urostigma),是桑科榕屬植物下一種亞屬,由於多為常綠喬木及細節分冶不易被人分辦,因此也統稱榕樹。細葉榕 Benian, Banyan

林柿 kaki


管蜂香草(学名:Monarda didyma),又名大紅香蜂草、大紅蜂香草(crimson beebalm),唇形科多年生草本植物,原產於北美。


銀杏(學名:Ginkgo biloba),又名白果、公孫樹等,屬裸子植物,

多香果, 具有丁香、胡椒、肉桂、肉荳蔻等多種香料的味道, Allspice

肉豆蔻 nutmeg

丁香 Clove

紅椰子(學名:Cyrtostachys lakka)為棕櫚科猩猩椰子屬下的一個種。

Knowledge about constellations seen in the southern hemisphere sky:

天鵝座 Cygnus
天琴座 Lyra
天鹰座 Aquila
半人馬座 Centaurus
南十字座 Crux

天津四(Deneb)即天鵝座α星(α Cygni),是天鵝座最明亮的一顆恆星,亮度在全天空排名第十九位。天津四是一顆藍白色的超巨星,它的視星等為1.25等,也是已知最明亮的恆星之一。天津四與位於天鷹座的河鼓二(牛郎星),及天琴座的織女星,組成著名的「夏季大三角」。

織女一 (Vega)又稱天琴座α(α Lyrae)是天琴座中最明亮的恆星,在夜空中排名第五,是北半球第二明亮的恆星,僅次於大角星。它與大角星及天狼星一樣,是非常靠近地球的恆星,距離地球只有25.3光年;它也是太陽附近最明亮的恆星之一。在中國古代的「牛郎織女」神話中,織女為天帝孫女,故亦稱天孫。織女星大約在西元前12,000年曾是北半球的極星,並且在13,727年會再度成為北極星

河鼓二 (Altair),即著名的“牛郎星”,“天鹰座α”,又叫“牵牛星”或“大将军”。
排名全天第十二的明亮恒星,白色。在星空观测中,是夏季大三角中的一角。它和天鹰座β、γ星的连线正指向织女星。 西方称呼此星为Altair,是阿拉伯语的“飞翔的大鹫”的缩写。

南門二 (Rigil Kentaurus)(α Cen / 半人马座α)位於天空南方的半人馬座,雖然肉眼分辨不出來,不過南門二實際上是一個三合星系統,其中一顆恆星是全天空第4明亮的恆星。

馬腹一 (Hadar/Agena)與南門二這兩顆星的連線指示出南半球著名的南十字座,穿過馬腹一幾度就能找到南十字頂端的十字架一(南十字γ),而從十字架一畫一條穿過十字架二(南十字α)的直線就能有效的確認南方。

Knowledge about sugar

Knowledge about volcanoes and coral reef

Knowledge about water activities

Knowledge about slavery

Chronology of the Abolition of Slavery

1791 August: Slave rebellion in Saint-Domingue (Haiti).

1793: Abolition of slavery in Saint-Domingue (Haiti).

1794 - 4 February: Decree of the Convention abolishing slavery on 16 Pluviose Year II.

1802 - 20 May: Law of 30 Floreal Year X, re-establishing slavery in the French colonies according to the previous legislation of 1789.

1803: Prohibition of the slave trade by Denmark.

1807: Prohibition of the slave trade by Great Britain and the importation of captives and slaves by the United States.

1814: Prohibition of the slave trade by the Netherlands.

1815 - February: The European powers commit themselves to prohibit the slave trade at the Vienna Congress (Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia, Prussia, Sweden, Portugal).

1815:- 29 March: During the Hundred Days, Napoleon I decree prohibiting the slave trade.

1818 - 15 April: The first French law prohibiting the slave trade.

1821: Creation, in Paris, of the Society of Christian Morals

1822: Creation of the Committee for the abolition of the slave trade and slavery.

1822: Abolition of slavery in Santo Domingo.

1823: Abolition of slavery in Chile.

1826: Abolition of slavery in Bolivia.

1827 - 25 April: The second French law prohibiting the slave trade.

1829: Abolition of slavery in Mexico.

1831- 22 February: The third French law prohibiting the slave trade.

1833 - 1838: Abolition of slavery in the British Colonies of the West Indies, British Guyana and Mauritius.

1834: Creation of the French Society for the Abolition of Slavery in Paris.

1839: Creation of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society in London which published the Anti Slavery Reporter. At present, it continues its activities under the name of Anti-Slavery International and publishes The Reporter.

1846 -1848: Abolition of slavery in the Danish Virgin Islands.

1846: Abolition of slavery in Tunisia.

1847: Abolition of slavery in the Swedish colony of Saint-Barthelemy.

1848: Abolition of slavery in the French Colonies.

1851: Abolition of slavery in Colombia.

1852 - February: The first French decrees for the recruitment of free workers on contract in Africa, then in India, for the Caribbean colonies. 1853: Abolition of slavery in Argentina.

1854: Abolition of slavery in Venezuela.

1855: Abolition of slavery in Peru.

1863: Abolition of slavery in the Caribbean colonies of the Netherlands and in Insulinde.

1863 - 1865: Abolition of slavery in the United States.

1866: Spanish decree prohibiting the slave trade.

1873: Abolition of slavery in Puerto Rico.

1876: Abolition of slavery in Turkey.

1885: Measures for the repression of slavery in Africa taken at the Berlin Conference.

1880 - 1886: Gradual abolition of slavery in Cuba. 1888: Abolition of slavery in Brazil.

1890: Brussels Conference on Slavery in Africa. 1896: Abolition of slavery in Madagascar.

1924 - June: Creation by the League of Nations of a Temporary Commission on Slavery.

1926 - 26 September: Adoption by the League of Nations of the Slavery Convention.

1930: Convention concerning forced labour of the International Labour Organization

1948: Adoption by the United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

1949 - December: Adoption by the United Nations of the Convention for the repression of the trade in human beings and the exploitation of prostitution.

1956 - September: Adoption by the United Nations of the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery.

1957: Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour by the ILO.

1974: Creation by the Commission on Human Rights at the United Nations of a Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery.

1980: Abolition of slavery in Mauritania.

1989 - November: Adoption by the United Nations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2000 - November: Coming into force of the ILO Convention 182 on « the elimination of the worst forms of child labour ».

2000 - December: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits slavery, forced labour, and traffic in human beings.

2001- May: Proclamation of the French law which "recognizes the Slave Trade and Slavery (15th-19th centuries) as crime against humanity".

2001- September: The World Conference of the United Nations Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (Durban, South Africa) acknowledges that "slavery and the transatlantic slave trade are a crime against humanity".

(Source: Jacques David, Mauritius The Slave Legacy, Pygmalion Publication Ltd. 2010, pp.525-527)