English version 2021
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The Kingdom of God and Man


The kingdom of God is related to man and the relationship is in the order of : relationship between man and God, between man and man, between man and the earth. In these three relationships, God is the protagonist. "then the LORD God formed the man out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”. ( Genesis 2:7﹚ Thus man and God and man and the earth established a very close relationship. God said, "The LORD God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him." ( Genesis 2:18﹚ God created a family.

Man was born from the earth and became the children of the earth. Man realized that God created him, not as a work of art to look at, but to share his “breath” and his “life”. The ground work was laid down in the body of Adam and Eve, so that men can also share his breath of life, to continue to create and function. Without the "breath" of God, man cannot survive and will return to the dust from which he came. " Send forth your spirit, they are created and you renew the face of the earth." ( Psalms 104:29-30﹚ The Bible describes that God often invites man to enter into this relationship and this is a gift from God.

After God created everything, due to the disobedience of man, sin entered the world and destroyed this relationship. And the whole world is filled with sins. Although God sent the flood to cleanse the earth, he rejuvenated the earth with life again. Before the flood, God invited Noah and his family into the ark and re-establish the relationship with them. Noah and his family is the symbol of the new mankind saved by God. ( Genesis 7-9﹚ The Bible often related surprises: just like the floods that seem to destroy but in fact restore life. Another surprise is the covenant made between God and man. God promised that there would be no more floods to destroy the earth. God set a rainbow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between him and the earth. ( Genesis 9:13

The relationship established between God and Noah cannot be reversed but can only go forward towards fulfilment.

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