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Under the rule of the Romans
63 BC


On the one hand, the Maccabees fought bravely against the persecution of the Greek kings; on the other hand, they used political activities to form alliance with the emerging Romans. In the Roman Empire, both the Jews and Judah were under the protection of Rome (1 Maccabees 15:15-24)。 At the beginning, Rome only promised to help the Maccabees on paper. This was the first contact between the Romans and the Jews. However, the uprising of Maccabees gradually lost the spirit of defending the faith, and the whole movement was a struggle for power within the Maccabees family. Eventually the Hasmonaeans dynasty was established by the son of one of the brothers of Maccabees.

From this time on, there were constant revolts for political power among families. In the Hasmonean dynasty the King was the Priest as well. At that time, the glory of David’s Kingdom seemed to be restored; but in reality it was still a corrupt dynasty. Family disputes caused the dynasty to decline. At worst, the Roman army was called upon to stop the family feuds. Previously the Jews sought help from Rome to fight against Syria but now they were called upon to fight against their own family members. This shows that the wewrelationship between the Jews and the Romans had changed.

In 63 BC, the Roman general Pompeius settled the dispute between two brothers in the dynasty and sent troops to capture Jerusalem, but on the way Pompeius was killed in Egypt. Caesar succeeded as the leader of Rome and conquered and ruled the whole of Palestine. Then Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC. Augustus became the first king of Rome in 31 BC, and he ruled Rome until his death in 14 AD. Tiberius succeeded and became the Roman Emperor (14-37 AD).

Jesus was born under Emperor Augustus and died under Emperor Tiberius.

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